Friday, February 25, 2022

O Come, Emmanuel – E-p-ic Version! &please keep on checking back until ,i move onto thee next post&start posting in it¬ just a revelation 12 lotr etc.prophecy trail song confirmation video but posting information.

 O Come, Emmanuel – E-p-ic V-e-r-s-io-n!




                                       'm-a-c-h'- k-ee-ma-h-t'

                                     v(victory) "make-wise"
*se(h)=lamb in hebrew

                                                                      'h-i-p'='holy grail iris padme; persephone; pariah'

                         'h-i-l'='holy grail lapointe '

pa-r-t-ic'='lamb ruth II  t-moon iris christ'
                                                     'f-s'=forever savior

         'cstr'='christ savior t-moon-ruth II'

'causative'=calvary lucifer savior t-moon iris victory eve II.'

causative (adjective)
  1. acting as a cause.
    "a causative factor"
    • grammar
      expressing causation.
      "a causative verb"
causative (noun) · causatives (plural noun)
  1. a causative verb.




                             'adj'    'a-d -j'
                    'alpha destiny jesus'
                                     fs   'f-s'
                                 'father savior'
                             (forever savior)

'Fr'=father  'v' victory
                              'f-r'(forever-ruth II)v=victory



                            'ei  do  ot'
 'eve II  iris  door(jesus) omega t-moon'

'n'=noah II
 'fs'   'forever savior'

'abs' 'alpha  b  savior'
                            't-moon eve II savior t-moon iris moon(m-1,000 year reign of:jesus christ:the hebrew messiah:emmanuel:aragorn II)omega(o-me-g-a)n-noah II;

w-wings i-iris ne=new england(noah eve II) savior savior(II)

            and:'f-r'(forever-ruth II)

't-moon  omega    rachel(also:ruth alpha)  holy grail   t-moon

                             f-s  c-s-t-r
 'forever savior  christ t-moon ruth II'



            and:'f-r'(forever-ruth II)

                        "a-i-m,  d-i-re-c-t"
a-i-m="alpha iris m".

d-i-re-c-t='destiny iris revelation christ t-moon."


                                'n' =noah II
                                 'alpha b savior'

             and:'f-r'(forever-ruth II)

                               "to be"
                             (t-o  b-e)
                't-moon omega b eve II'

*&these really are also all prophesies that are: coming to:'f-ru-i-t-io n.'
*sealed in:final answer.

         'eve II iris kim-rachel holy grail'

'victory iris christ t-moon omega ye s hu a'   
"'c-al-l  'calvary alpha lapointe'
  o-u-t', 'omega u t-moon'

'prophet padme persephone rose christ lapointe iris m."

     'qal'(q-a-l) queen alpha lapointe'
   'impf'(i-m-p-f) iris m  prophet princess padme persephone forever.'

             '1-iris christ savior'

e-eve II   t-moon   k-kim  o-omega
h-holy grail  l=lapointe  ee-eve II

       'd-ir o-b-j m-ar-k'=
 'd-destiny  i-iris r-revelation' 
o-omega   b-bathsheba   j-jesus m-1,000 m.reign of:jesus christ the hebrew messiah:emmanuel:aragorn II     ar- tge ark II(ar-alpha-ruth II)

'ark'=alpha ruth II kim."

               n   ms   "voice"
               'n-noah II   m-1,000 m.reign of:jesus christ the hebrew messiah:emmanuel:aragorn II    

's-savior'    "voice"(v-victory o-omega i-iris  c-christ eve II).

                              1 c=christ s-savior

                               'cstr sfx' (c-christ s-savior t-moon  r-ruth II  s-savior forever;father christ.).

  1. an inclined surface or plane; a slope, especially on a road or railway.
    "the road climbs a long incline through a forest"

   'k-kim    ee-eve II    h-holy grail   t-moon   a-alpha    h-holy grail.'

'conj(co-covenants n-j=n-noah II j=jesus 
  "for"=(ki)=ki(forever kim)(f-o-r=forever;father omega ruth II), 
v-victory(v-victory i-iris c-christ t-moon  o-omega r-ruth II  y-ye s-hu-a 
"turn,(tu=tub ruth II noah)
incline" (i-iris noah II c-christ l- lapointe  i-iris n-noah II e-eve II.).

  'hiph  prf  3 ms'
'h=holy grail   i-iris  p-prophet princess padme persephone  h-holy grail   p-p-prophet princess padme persephone forever  3  m-1,000 m.reign of:jesus christ the hebrew messiah:emmanuel:aragorn II  


  1. an inclined surface or plane; a slope, especially on a road or railway.
    "the road climbs a long incline through a forest"
    slope · gradient · pitch · ramp · bank · ascent · rise · acclivity ·
  2.  upslope · dip · descent · declivity · downslope · hill · grade · downgrade · upgrade


    The 2016 Oklahoma earthquake occurred on September 3, 2016 Pawn-ee, O-k-la-ho-ma. Measuring 5.8 o-n t-h-e mo-me-nt mag-n-i-tu-d-e s-cal-e, it is the strongest in state history. At 5.8 magnitude, this ties it with the 2011 Virginia earthquake, which was determined after it struck to be the most powerful quake in the eastern United States in the preceding 70 years.

    Wikipedia · Text under 

Jane Seymour , David and Elizabeth Emanuel
LOS ANGELES, CA - March 3, 1984: Jane Seymour the English actress, who at the time was starring in Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman, poses with her children and David and Elizabeth Emanuel, in a dress designed by David and Elizabeth Emanuel, Welsh fashion designers 

Fear No More (Ballad Version) [Official Video]

                a -h   h-a  v'   t-ee 
         'alpha  holy grail  holy grail  alpha  victory   t-moon   ee=eve II.'
                         v  "love"
               'v=victory  'l-laPointe                            o=omega v-victory e-eve II."

               'q-a-l   p-r-f    1-c-s' 
      'q-queen a-alpha l-laPointe p-prophet princess padme persephone 
        r-ruth II  f-forever;father 1-c-christ s-savior

fr>'father'(forever-ruth II)

                                                                            'I give'
                                       'i g-i-v-e'
                                           'I gi-v-e'        'I=Iris  g &gi-gilraen  v-victory e=eve II.'


Earthquakes US Om-ni

Informations about Omni

CountryUnited States of America
RegionA-la-b-a-ma (AL/031)
CoordinatesLatitude : 31.32323
Longitude : -85.81105
Time zoneAmerica/Chi-ca-g-o (GMT -6h)

Earthquakes OM A-k-root

Informations about Akroot

RegionD-ho-fa-r (08)
CoordinatesLatitude : 17.18245
Longitude : 54.15983
Time zoneAsia/Mu-s-cat (GMT +4h)

Earthquakes DK Øm

Informations about Øm

RegionZealand (20/350)
CoordinatesLatitude : 55.59636
Longitude : 12.0132
Time zoneEurope/Co-pe-n-h-a-g-e-n (GMT +1h)

Earthquakes MA Om

Informations about Om

RegionSo-us-s-Massa (09)
CoordinatesLatitude : 30.37495
Longitude : -9.4911
Time zoneAfrica/Ca-sa-bl-a-n-ca (GMT 0h)


Earthquakes MM H-sin-om

Informations about Hsin-om

RegionShan (11/MMR016D002/MMR016006)
CoordinatesLatitude : 20.72448
Longitude : 99.28446
Time zoneAsia/Ra-n-goo-n (GMT +6h)


Earthquakes VN Trạ-i Om K-hang

Informations about Trại Om Khang

CountryViet Nam
RegionB-ắ-c Gi-ang (71)
CoordinatesLatitude : 21.4
Longitude : 106.8
Time zoneAsia/Ho Chi M-i-n-h (GMT +7h)

Earthquakes RU Om’

Informations about Om’

CountryRussian Federation
RegionN-o-v-o-s-i-b-ir-s-k (53)
CoordinatesLatitude : 55.42506
Longitude : 77.78626
Time zoneAsia/Novosibirsk (GMT +7h)

Earthquakes VN Đá Ôm

Informations about Đá Ôm

CountryViet Nam
RegionYê-n B-á-i (70)
CoordinatesLatitude : 21.93892
Longitude : 104.59628
Time zoneAsia/Ho Chi M-i-n-h (GMT +7h)

Earthquakes KP Ŏm-dong

Informations about Ŏm-dong

CountryNorth Korea
RegionH-wa-n-g-h-ae-n-a-m-do (06)
CoordinatesLatitude : 38.03417
Longitude : 125.37
Time zoneAsia/P-y-o-n-g-y-ang (GMT +8h)

Earthquakes HK T-a-i Om

Informations about Tai Om

CountryHong Kong
CoordinatesLatitude : 22.44229
Longitude : 114.13446
Time zoneAsia/Hong Kong (GMT +8h)

Earthquakes HK T-a-i Om Shan

Informations about Tai Om Shan

CountryHong Kong
CoordinatesLatitude : 22.43577
Longitude : 114.13518
Time zoneAsia/Hong Kong (GMT +8h)

Earthquakes DZ Om T-e-f-ra-kh

Informations about Om Tefrakh

RegionC-h-l-e-f (41)
CoordinatesLatitude : 36.42123
Longitude : 1.18647
Time zoneAfrica/A-l-gi-e-r-s (GMT +1h)

Earthquakes OM Ḩu-şa-y-nī-yah

Informations about Ḩuşaynīyah

RegionSoutheastern Govern-or-a-t-e (04)
CoordinatesLatitude : 22.56361
Longitude : 59.47587
Time zoneAsia/Mu-s-cat (GMT +4h)

Earthquakes OM Al Ka-mi-l W-al Wa-f-i

Informations about Al Kamil Wal Wafi

CoordinatesLatitude : 22.20772
Longitude : 59.20643
Time zoneAsia/Mu-s-cat (GMT +4h)

*no.'kate middleton.'(kamil)

Earthquakes OM ‘A-y-b-ū-t-2

Informations about ‘Aybūt-2

RegionD-ho-fa-r (08)
CoordinatesLatitude : 17.28977
Longitude : 53.33407
Time zoneAsia/Mu-s-cat (GMT +4h)

Earthquakes OM ‘A-y-b-ū-t-3

Informations about ‘Aybūt-3

RegionD-ho-fa-r (08)
CoordinatesLatitude : 17.327
Longitude : 53.31349
Time zoneAsia/Mu-s-cat (GMT +4h)

*"can u,spot the luciferean-mistakes."

*"tradewinds" style writing used.

'the A-l-e-f and T-a-v'

Alpha and Omega

Alpha and Omega

&this is also:'thee a-l-p-h-a and thee o-m-e-g-a.'

The Chi-r-ho symbol with Alpha and Omega, Ca-ta-co-m-b-s of Do-mi-t-i-l-laRome


Chi-R-ho on a 4th-century altar, K-h-ir-bet U-m El’A-m-a-d, Algeria.

Christian pendant of Maria (398–407), wife of the Em-per-o-r Ho-n-o-ri-us (r. 395–423), with text in the shape of a Chi-Rho, L-o-u-v-re.

Sarcophagus with Chi-Rho symbol and Alpha and Omega, 6th century, So-i-s-son-s, France



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