Friday, March 13, 2015

the holy spirit, in the lava.(part 2)©

I then saw Jesus standing with a chain in His hand;
He threw the chain into the lava where the holy spirit was,
The chain wrapped around the holy spirit,
***Jesus then pulled him out of the lava using the chain that was wrapped around him.
***Jesus then spoke to the remaining lava on the holy spirit's body,
Jesus said,
"Release him",
***The remaining lava looked as if to peel off of him,the chain stayed on the holy spirit though,
***Then Jesus pulled the chain tighter,
Jesus then threw a little piece of material at the holy spirit&it wrapped around his body,as a,covering,(a filthy garment,
it was a filthy,what once  looked to be a  very bright white piece of material),
***But the chain was still on the outside of that material that was now on the holy spirit,
Jesus spoke again and said to the holy spirit,
"Now these, your eternal garments,***this chain& covering, forever to hold to you,in my&
my wife's service, your stead,these,your garments, for you,an eternal dread.©
***Jesus then showed me,"scrooge"&then Jesus hugged me.&held me,I hugged Him&held Him too,I was crying so much,I put my face into Jesus's chest.©

© copyrighted Kimberly marie Lapointe,revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©
© Kimchirev12

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