Sunday, March 29, 2015

~Palm Sunday~

I am so devastated that I am in mourning,
*I am in love with my husband who absolutely is The Lord Jesus Christ.©

~ He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and a colt in the Bible;on Palm Sunday;
~His disciples had placed their clothes on the donkey&the colt for Jesus as an Honor to Jesus.
~The people worshipped Jesus as their True King and Messiah that He truly is.

~They  spread their garments &palm branches before Him to Honor Him& crying  they said,
~Hosannah to the Son of David:
~Blessed is He who He cometh in the name of The Lord;
Hosanna in the highest.~

KJV version of the Bible

~ I love Jesus so very,very,much!!!
&am so absolutely Blessed to be with Him
in this way!©

~He is my absolute husband&I am in absolute real love with Him.©

~Song to Honor Jesus~

*****~Power of your love~*****
**Prince of Peace**(You Are Holy)
Michael W.Smith


© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal,queen©
© Kimchirev12

~ these are absolutely miraculous pictures of the real face of Jesus Christ©

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