Tuesday, March 24, 2015

"I was given the two wings of a great eagle"©

Dreams: when I was 33years old©
©I,Kimberly marie Lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen, eternal.©
© kimchirev12
*I was given the two wings of a great eagle.©
*revelation 12:14©
*I am absolutely the woman from rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen.©

*my dreams&yes there are many witnesses, many©

*I was in an old fashioned white nightgown,
*I was not wearing any shoes,socks,or slippers.
*I was surrounded by a mountain of dirt on all sides of me,
*It was not touching me,
*In the dirt was;
*garbage,worms&dead bodies.
*I was looking straight ahead;
*my hair was long,
*from above I could see two yellow eagle talons;
*I knew they were too large to be a regular sized eagle,
*I knew the eagle was supernatural.
*then the eagle gently picked me up by my shoulders with His talons *up He lifted me out of  that place.©

*next dream;
4 months later;
*same as the first but;
*this time:
*The eagle swooped down so fast&grabbed me from out of that place.©

*dirt; *Whatever people are trying to bury me with.©

*dead bodies;* people who are dead without Christ who are trying to bury me.©

*my feet uncovered;* my walk exposed;*vulnerable©

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©
© kimchirev12

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