Tuesday, March 24, 2015

God showed me a vision of Him at a picnic table©

*God showed me a vision of Himself sitting at a picnic table;
*that disgusting fucking pig God,(He was in His new older man body)
* He was absolutely deep kissing an African/cushite girl,
*over&over again!!!
*it was the most freaking nasty sight!!!
*To watch that Cunt God deep kissing anyone at all!!!
* but especially a person that is not able to be with God at all,
*in the first place!!!
*let alone in that way.©
*I have absolutely no reason to lie.©

**God shows me Himself in His new body.
*I know who that person is who God was deep kissing,
*God showed Himself kissing that person for over 10 minutes off and on,
*in His new body;
*is an older hebrew man&He was cheating is what that's called.©
* It's not the only african person and it's not the ONLY person,they are more that God has gotten nasty with.©
*when God wants it over He makes sure to do it up at all costs for His nasty lover!!!(s)
* heartbroken that God would ever do any of this!!!
*I am in shock!!!©
*God cannot break His Everlasting marriage blood
covenants and choose again,repour them,or do away with them etc.
*but He can cheat!!!©
* Not a joke.Not a lie.©
*God can have *biblical mistresses too but none of them against *the everlasting marriage blood covenants.©
*God absolutely cannot have any african/cushite girl etc.
*these visions are not new.©

*looks like God was "hungry like the wolf"
 but alot older&poof!©

© copyrighted: Kimberly marie Lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen,eternal.©
© kimchirev12

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