Thursday, October 9, 2014

Dream, Jesus playing the pan flute...

Dream, sitting in the evening by campfire Jesus playing the pan flute, I was sitting across from him, watching him, so so beautiful, he is dressed so omg, he is wearing medieval clothing, as am I, these are more relaxed clothing, my dress is so nice, yes like arwen and Jesus like Aragorn,I want to jump into that dream to be there again, now, Jesus is looking at me as he plays the pan flute and I want to melt into him, I notice he is watching me for a while,I get nervous, because he is Jesus Christ, omg,I stare at him too,I then look at the fire and I stare at it, I see a vision, I see in the fire my shoes being placed into it and Jesus's too and our first born son places his shoes into the fire too, our shoes turn orange hot, then a hand with metal tongs and a cloth takes our shoes out of the fire and seems to let them cool, then I see Jesus, me and our son, sitting together, and someone with a mallet device one at a time, he puts our shoes on us, as he puts Jesus on him, he starts banging on the bottom, like a horses shoe,yes, like a horses shoes, and he continues then on me, then on Jesus's and my son, until he is done. Kimberly Marie lapointe rev.12., Jesus Christ's wife.

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