Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife, in the waterfall...

Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife, were standing on a ledge of rock, in a waterfall,
Only our private parts covered, with fur coverings...
(And another portent from heaven,Adam and eve were naked and only ended up making coverings out of fig leaves,Adam would even try to make different coverings with the leaves, like getting creative with the leaves), (Noone on earth knew this or knows this until I told them...)
next in the dream,
Jesus and I are walking below on the rocks, there is water, HE takes my hand, and we go back up the mountain, we are then standing on a cliff, looking down,I see Jesus leaning forward,I see him look like he jumps, He disappeared into thin air,next thing I know, He is on the ground, looking up at me, he then puts both of his arms out like he wants me to come to him,I lean forward,i don't want him standing there without me,i love him so much and was willing to give up everything for him(even my very life.), Jesus, righteously willingly for me too, ,and I too jump  and now I am with him, where he Is standing,i was translated or he helped me land with him and not  get hurt or die,
 he then says to me," righteous is this, only for you, Kimberly Marie lapointe, my wife, no other, you are my white iris, righteous, and pure,I hold you ruth my whole heart, my whole being, none other I love like you,I pledge my eternal love to you", Jesus then hugs me,I hold him so tight,I look and next to us on the ground is a white iris, Jesus goes over to it and says," I, Jesus Christ, the messiah, have chosen this woman, who is my wife eternal, for my white iris", he then picks the flower, plucks it and brings it to me and places in my hair, for a moment, on my head, and says, "this forever in your thoughts, for I am this to you, as you are to me", he then takes my left hand and puts the iris into it,
 he then looks and points to another flower again,
He tells me it is a "bearded iris" and is for me, so I go over to it immediately and pick it, and I say and I chose you,(Jesus Christ) to be this for me , eternally too", and I take his left hand and put the flower, the bearded iris into his hand, and say, "this represents who you are to me as the white iris, represents who I am to you and I am in love with you, Jesus.",I tell him this and I start crying, I look up at him, and I can see he has a tear coming  his face, then more tears, he then  wipes his tears with the flower gently, and I do as he did.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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