Sunday, October 19, 2014

Jesus painted my nails with clear and light iridescent nail polish..

In this, dream,
I am pregnant and Jesus is using an emery board to file my nails,  then he is painting my finger nails and toe nails for me, using clear nail polish over a light iridescent light pink polish.
Very sweet...when he is finished doing this, he gets a box out from our bedroom, in our closet, he takes the cover off of it and pulls out a nightgown and bathrobe for me, and a pair of slippers for me, it all matched, light pink floral with white, so pretty, Jesus then helped me get into this, and he led me to our bed room,  we are at our ranch home,,I see the room is so cozy and it so nice, florals and country patterns, there is a bowl with fruit and also flowers, fresh flowers in a flower pot on the table near our bed,
Jesus helps me into bed, then he pulls up the chair next to the bed room and sits in it, there is book on our bed, he opens it and hands the book to me to start reading to him, he wants me to read to him, so I do, I am and I can feel sick or tired, So Jesus's takes the book from me and kisses me on my head, and he takes my hand and gently squeezes it.
I noticed he had a pen behind his ear.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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