Friday, October 17, 2014

Jesus and I at private meeting, she was hiding behind the black recliner..

Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie Lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife, were in a private meeting discussing the battle plan for the ArkII, meaning, what steps to take for it to be right, there was the guy who made the blue prints in the meeting too, there in the corner of the room is a, black recliner, as we are talking and Jesus and I are looking over the plan for the Ark II,I see the  recliner moving,I look again and it is still moving, so Jesus and I get up to go see why it is moving,
We look behind the recliner and there is a girl there, I say to her, who are you,and why are you here, uninvited, snooping?!!!
She gets up and I say what is your name, she then acts like it is no big deal and that she was invited and that her name is none of my business, the guy with us had went and called the police on her,  I did not know he had  done that, there was a knock at the door,it says the police, they came in and took her by her left hand and said what is your name, she said, "Jackson, it's Jackson", the police placed her under arrest and as they were leaving with her they said, "she had this on her person",
They handed it to Jesus, and he looked at it, then he handed it to me, it was a, copy of our blue prints to the ArkII,Our Battle Plan
A corner of it was torn off of it, next I see the holy spirit, he dropped something out of his mouth, Jesus and I see it fall on the floor,I pick it up, it is the corner piece of the blue print Ark II Battle plan,
Next, the holy spirt started to fly up toward the ceiling, as he did,
He transforms into a nasty crow, and Jesus and I can see that he has a wedding ring in his foot claw,I am drawn to look at my left ring finger, my wedding ring is not on my finger,I am perplexed,
The holy spirit stole my wedding ring from off of my finger???, thenthe holy spirit, Goes to "caw", and he drops my wedding ring it landed right in the palm of Jesus hand, Jesus then took my left hand and placed my ring back on my left ring finger, then held my hand.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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~©️~&THAT I,AM NOW,ALREADY IN:POWER!!!! *"KI-L'-SON-O-W" *AND: *"KI-L'-SO-NOW!!!!" ~w-ə·ḵi-s·sā·hū~~kim·la-q·q-êṭ~~2-8(5)2. k'-o-lap-hiz -ó~~1-30. ha-i-mate-k'-c-hus-ia 1-30~~©️~

  ~©️~&THAT I,AM NOW,ALREADY IN:POWER!!!! *"KI-L'-SON-O-W" *AND: *"KI-L'-SO-NOW!!!!" ~w-ə·ḵi-s·sā·hū~~kim·la...