Friday, October 17, 2014

right through Jesus's and my black metal fence...

Blond girl, she being rushed to surgery, she was trying to climb over Jesus's and (me), Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife's black metal fence, it has the spiked posts, well when she got to the top of the fence, she went to pull herself up and as she tried to lift her leg, her own weight shifted and she fell and one of the  post spikes went through her left hand, the  police had to be called and the fire dept.had to come with an ambulance, they had to remove the whole metal post, and bring it bring it with her to the emergency room, while she was  stuck on the post she had dropped something on the ground, our security camera caught this all on tape and it was recorded,I watched the video of it with Jesus and a few others, we found out what she had dropped,
It was one of our house keys, It was wrapped in a piece of a paper bag, the smallest paper bag,
And written on the bag on it in black marker was directions telling her what door, entrance,
 of the house to use, in Jesus's and my castle,
 That girl's hand would more than have a permanent hole, as an insulting reminder to her,
In the hole in her hand was a Part of the fence post, the doctors could not remove it and all around the hole in her hand,  horny protrusions started to sprout out of  It,growing all
around it, so gross.
Jesus then got a paper bag ,a lunch bag, and he got a red marker, and wrote, to her,
"If you were the last,  and this meaning there were no other,There would still be no you and me,
 these terms are for your simple understanding,you will live your life, with much strife,
The remainder of it,Without me in it, destined you are to be alone and scarred,
 for your clothing made from the falseness of sealing tar, that led you on to the place of disgrace that you drempt of so many times",
my wife, Kimberly Marie lapointe, the woman from revelation 12, the mother of my future generations, she is  whomI love and hold in my bed", then Jesus put a purple and yellow iris, the wicked iris flower that he had burnt to ash in a pan on the stove he had also placed  chopped up chile pepper into the bag and had the police take it to her.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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