Sunday, September 3, 2023

~One Night With The King~ - Story Of Jacob:Ja-kim~~w'ay·ya-k·ki·rê·hū~*~La-Kim-ra~ ~kim·rî·mê~*Dear, precious, Hebrew: יַקִּיר, ya-q- q-îr (H-33-5-7) ~5-54-0. ch-ré-sis~ Strong's Concordance ch-ré-sis: use (as in a sexual sense) Original Word: χ'ρ'-ῆ-σ-ι'-ς, ε-ω-ς, ἡ Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine Transliteration: ch-ré-sis Phonetic Spelling: (kh-r-ay'-sis) Definition: use (as in a sexual sense) Usage: use, manner of use.~

~One Night With The- King~ - Story Of Jacob:Ja-kim~~w'-ay·ya-k·
ki·rê·hū~*~La-Kim-ra~ ~kim·rî·mê~

   ~23-22. C-ha-da-s-ha-h~

Strong's Concordance
C-ha-da-s-ha-h: Ha-da-s-ha-h

Original Word: 
Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
Transliteration: C-ha-da-s-ha-h
Phonetic Spelling: (k-ha-d-aw-s-
Definition: "new", a city in Judah

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary


Hebrew: יָקִים, yā-qî-m (H-33-5-6)

2 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-(5-6)

Hebrew Base Word: יָקִים

Part of speech: Proper Name

Usage: Ja-kim

Literally: He will raise

Definition: Ja-kim, 

Detailed definition:

  1. A Benjamite and descendant of S-him-hi.
  2. A L'ev-i-t'-e priest in charge of the 12th course in the time of David.

Derived terms: From H-6-96-5; he will raise.

See also:

  1. H-3-07-9

Comments: Compare H-3-07-9.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: j-ɔːˈk’ɪi̯m
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈkiːm
  3. Transliteration: yā-qî-m
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-w-K-E-EM
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-KE-EM

*~Jesus takes over on:His father's behalf.~
*~He is:Boaz II~

*Strong's Hebrew #52-3-4


Englishman's Concordance (References)

way·ya-k·ki·rê·hū — 1 Occurrence

1 King-s 18:7
HE-B: אֵלִיָּ֖הוּ לִקְרָאת֑וֹ וַיַּכִּרֵ֙הוּ֙ וַיִּפֹּ֣ל עַל־
NA-S: met him, and he recognized him and fell
KJ-V: met him: and he knew him, and fell
I-NT: E'-l'-i-ja-h met recognized and fell on


Englishman's Concordance
kim·rî·mê — 1 Occurrence

Ho-s-ea 11:4
H'E-B: וָאֶהְיֶ֥ה לָהֶ֛ם כִּמְרִ֥ימֵי עֹ֖ל עַ֣ל
NA-S: And I became to them as one who lifts the yoke
KJ-V: of love: and I was to them as they that take off the yoke
I-NT: of love became lifts the yoke from

                   ~5-54-0. ch-ré-sis~
Strong's Concordance
ch-ré-sis: use (as in a sexual sense)

Original Word: 
χ'ρ'-ῆ-σ-ι'-ς, ε-ω-ς, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ch-ré-sis
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ra-y'-sis)
Definition: use (as in a sexual sense)
Usage: use, manner of use.

~5-54-0. ch-ré-sis~
Strong's Concordance
ch-ré-sis: use (as in a sexual sense)

Original Word: 
χ'ρ'-ῆ-σ-ι'-ς, ε-ω-ς, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ch-ré-sis
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-r-ay'-sis)
Definition: use (as in a sexual sense)
Usage: use, manner of use.

               ~5-54-0. ch-ré-sis~
Strong's Concordance
ch-ré-sis: use (as in a sexual sense)

Original Word: 
χ'ρ'-ῆ-σ-ι'-ς, ε-ω-ς, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: ch-ré-sis
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-r-ay'-sis)
Definition: use (as in a sexual sense)
Usage: use, manner of use.

               ~5-53-4. ch-ré~

Strong's Concordance

ch-ré: it is necessary, fitting

Original Word: χ’-ρ-ή

Part of Speech: Verb

Transliteration: ch-ré

Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ra-y)

Definition: it is necessary, fitting

Usage: it is necessary, proper, fitting.

                  ~5-53-5. ch-ré-z-ó~

Strong's Concordance
ch-ré-z'-ó: to need, have need of

Original Word: 

Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: ch-ré-z'-ó
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-ra-de'-z'-o)
Definition: to need, have need of
Usage: I need, have need of, want, desire.

                   ~5-53-6. ch-r-ém-a~

Strong's Concordance
ch-r'-éma: a thing that one uses or needs

Original Word: 
χ'-ρ-ῆ-μ-α, α-τ'-ος, τ'-ό

Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: ch-r'-éma
Phonetic Spelling: (kh-r'-ay'-m-a'h)
Definition: a thing that one uses or needs
Usage: money, riches, possessions.

 ~5-54-1. ch-ré-s-t’-e-u-om-a-i ~

Strong's Concordance

ch-ré-s-t'-e-u-om-a-i: to be kind

Original Word: χ'-ρ-η-σ-τ'-εύ-ο-


Part of Speech: Verb

Transliteration: ch-ré-s-t'-e-


Phonetic Spelling:(kh-ra-s-t'-



Definition: to be kind

Usage: I am kind (full of service to 

others), gentle.


Englishman's Concordance

q'ar·su-l·lā-y — 2 Occurrences

2 Sa-mu-e-l' 22:37
H'E-B: וְלֹ֥א מָעֲד֖וּ קַרְסֻלָּֽי׃
NA-S: under me, And my feet have not slipped.
KJ-V: my steps under me; so that my feet did not slip.
I-NT: have not slipped and my feet

P'-sa-l'-m 18:36
H'E-B: וְלֹ֥א מָ֝עֲד֗וּ קַרְסֻלָּֽי׃
NA-S: under me, And my feet have not slipped.
KJ-V: my steps under me, that my feet did not slip.
I-NT: have not slipped and my feet


                              ~ ’ê·rō·w·mām~

Englishman's Concordance
’ê·rō·w·mām — 1 Occurrence

I-sa-ia-h 33:10
H'E-B: יְהוָ֑ה עַתָּה֙ אֵֽרוֹמָ֔ם עַתָּ֖ה אֶנָּשֵֽׂא׃
I-NT: the LORD Now bring up now will be lifted

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

*Dear, precious, Hebrew: יַקִּיר, ya-q-

q-îr (H-33-5-7)

1 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-33-5-7

Hebrew Base Word: יַקִּיר

Part of speech: Adjective

Usage: Dear

Definition: Precious.

Detailed definition:

  1. Rare, very precious, honor, dear.

Derived terms: From H-33-6-5.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑ-k̚ˈk’ɪi̯r

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑˈkiːʁ

  3. Transliteration: ya-q-qî-r

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-hk-K-EE-R

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-KE-E-R

*~Strong's Concordance, 

Hebrew Dictionary

*Noble, rare, precious, Hebrew: יַקִּיר, ya-q-qî-r (H-33-5;8)

2 K J Bible Verses~

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-5.8

Hebrew Base Word: יַקִּיר

Part of speech: Adjective

Usage: Noble, rare

Definition: Precious.

Detailed definition:

  1. Rare, noble, famous, difficult.

    1. Honorable.

    2. Difficult (me-t'-o'-n-y-m-y).

Derived terms: Corresponding to H-33-5-7.

Aramaic relationship: Ye-s


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑ-k̚ˈk’ɪi̯r

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑˈkiːʁ

  3. Transliteration: ya-q-qî-r

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-hk-K-EE-R

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-KE-E-R

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary~

~Je-k’-am-ia-h, Je-k’-am-ja-h

Hebrew: יְקַמְיָה, yĕ-q-am-yâ (H-33-5-9)

2 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-5-9

Hebrew Base Word: יְקַמְיָה

Part of speech: Proper Name

Usage: Je-k'-am-ia-h

Literally: Je-ho-v'-a'h raises

Definition: Je-k'-am-ja-h,

Detailed definition:

  1. A descendant of J'-u-da-h, son of S-h-al-lu-m in the line of A-h-la-i.

  2. A descendant of David and one of the seven introduced into the royal line on the failure of it in the person of Je-ho-ia-c-hi-n.

Derived terms: From H-6-96-5 and H-30-50; Ja-h will rise.

See also:

  1. H-30-7.9

Comments: Compare H-30-7-9.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.k’ɑmˈjɔː

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.k'-ɑmˈjɑː

  3. Transliteration: yĕ-q-am-yâ

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-k'-ah-m-YA-W

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-k'-ah-m-YA

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-k’-am-e-am, Je-k’-am-am, an Israelite, Hebrew: יְקַמְעָם, yĕ-q’-amʿām (H-33-6-0)~

2 K J Bible Verses


Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-6-0

Hebrew Base Word: יְקַמְעָם

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-k'-am-e-am

Literally: let the people rise

Definition: Je-k'-am-am, an Israelite.

Detailed definition:

  1. A L'ev-i-t'-e, the 4th son of H'-e-b'-ro-n and grandson of K'-o-hat-h in the time of David.

De-ri-v-e-d terms: From H-6-96-5 and H-5-9-71; (the) people will rise.

See also:

  1. H-30-7-9

  2. H-33-6-1

Comments: Compare H-30-7-9H-33-6-1.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.k’ɑmˈʕɔːm

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.k'ɑmˈʕɑːm

  3. Transliteration: yĕ-q-amʿām

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-k'-a'h-m-AW-M

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-k'-ah-m-AM

*And:it:really does say this.

*"Je-k'-am-e-am" ALSO="JE-K"- "ALPHA-ME-AMERICA."

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew


~J'-ok-me-am, a place in Palestine, Hebrew: יׇקְמְעָם, y’-oq-mĕʿām (H-33-6-1)~

2 K-J- Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-6-1

Hebrew Base Word: יׇקְמְעָם

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: J'-ok-me-am

Literally: gathered by the people

Definition: J'-ok-me-am, a place in Palestine.

Detailed definition:

  1. A city of refuge in E'-p'-h-ra-i'-m given to the K'-o-hat-hi-t'-e L'ev-i-t'es.

Derived terms: From H-6-96-5 and H-5-9-71; (the) people will be raised.

See also:

  1. H-33-6-0

  2. H-33-6-2


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: j'-ok’.mɛ̆ˈʕɔːm

  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: j'-ok.mɛ̆ˈʕɑːm

  3. Transliteration: y'-oq-mĕʿām

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-me-h-A'-W-M

  5. Modern Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-me-h-AM

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~J’-ok-ne-am, a place in Palestine, Hebrew: יׇקְנְעָם, y'-oq-nĕʿām (H-33-6-2)~

3 K J s Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-6-2

Hebrew Base Word: יׇקְנְעָם

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: J'-ok-ne-am

Literally: the people la-me-nt

Definition: J'ok-ne-am, a place in Palestine.

Detailed definition:

  1. A city of C'an-a-an conquered by J'-os-hu-a and in the territory of Z'e-b'-u-lu-n but al-lot-t'-e-d to the Me-ra-rite L'-ev-i-t'-es and located Mount C'ar-me-l.

Derived: terms: From H-6-96-9 and H-5-9-71; (the) people will be la-me-nt-e'-d.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: j'-ok’.n̪ɛ̆ˈʕɔːm

  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic A'l-p'-h-ab-et: j'-ok.nɛ̆ˈʕɑːm

  3. Transliteration: y'-oq-nĕʿām

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-ne-h-A'W-M

  5. Modern Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-ne-h-AM

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

Be prized, be set by, withdraw, properly, apparently, to be heavy, i.e., (figuratively) valuable

Hebrew: יָקַר, yā-q'-ar (H-33-6-5)

11 King James Bible Verses

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-33-6-5

Hebrew Base Word: יָקַר

Part of speech: Verb

Usage: Be (make) precious, be prized, be set by, withdraw

Definition: Properly, apparently, to be heavy, i.e., (figuratively) valuable; causatively, to make rare (figuratively, to inhibit).

Detailed definition:

  1. To esteem, be prized, be valuable, be precious, be costly, be appraised.
    1. (Qal).
      1. To be precious, be highly valued, be esteemed, be costly.
      2. To be appraised.
    2. (Hiphil) to make something precious.

Derived terms: A primitive root.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɔːˈk’-ɑr
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈk-ɑʁ
  3. Transliteration: yā-q-ar
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: yaw-K'-A-H-R
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-K'-A-H-R

  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɔːˈk’-ɑr
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈk'-ɑʁ
  3. Transliteration: yā-q-ar
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-w-K-AH-R
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-K'-AHR
  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɔːˈk’-ɑr
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈk-ɑʁ

*jɑːˈk'-ɑʁ=ja: k'-aR

*doesnot have to be:"CAPS LOCK" 


*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~J'-ok-t'-h-ee-l, the name of a place in Palestine, and of one in Id-u-ma-ea~

Hebrew: יׇקְתְאֵל, y'-oq-t'-ĕʾē-l (H-33-71)

2 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-71

Hebrew Base Word: יׇקְתְאֵל

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: J'-ok-t'-h-ee-l

Literally: the blessedness of God

Definition: J'-ok-t'-h-ee-l, the name of a place in Palestine, and of one in I-d'u-m'-a-ea.

Detailed definition:

  1. A city in the low country of Judah named next to La-chi-s-h.
  2. The name given to the cliff which was the stronghold of E'-d-om by king Am-a-z-ia-h after capturing it; also called 'S-e-la-h' and 'P'-et-ra'.

Derived terms: Probably from the same as H-33-4-8 and H-4-10; veneration of God (compare H-33-54).


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: j'-ok’.t̪'-ɛ̆ˈʔe'-l
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: j'-ok.t'-ɛ̆ˈʔe'-l
  3. Transliteration: y'-oq-t'-ĕʾē'-l
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-t'-eh-A'L-E
  5. Modern Pronunciation: y'-ok-e-t'-eh-A-L'-E

*~Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-ru-b-ba-al, a symbolic name of Gi-de-o'n

Hebrew: יְרֻבַּעַל, yĕ-ru-b-baʿal (H-33-7-8)~

 K J Bible Verses~

*Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-33-7-8

Hebrew Base Word: יְרֻבַּעַל

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-ru-b-ba-al

Literally: l'-et Ba-al contend

Definition: Je-ru-b-ba-al, a symbolic name of Gi-de-o'n.

Detailed definition:

  1. Name given to Gi-de-o'n by his father when he destroyed the altar of Ba-al.

Derived terms: From H-7-3-7-8 and H-1-16-8; Baal will contend.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ru-bːɑˈʕɑl
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁu.bɑˈʕ-ɑl
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-ru-b-baʿal
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-b-ba-A'-L
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-ba-A-L

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-ru-bb-es-h'-et-h, a symbolic name for Gi-de-o'-n~

Hebrew: יְרֻבֶּשֶׁת, yĕ-ru-bb-eš-et (H-33-8-0)

1 K J B Verses

Information sourced from:Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-8-0

Hebrew Base Word: יְרֻבֶּשֶׁת

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-ru-bb-es-h-et-h

Literally: shame will contend

Definition: Je-ru-bb-es-h-et-h, a symbolic name for Gi-de-o'-n.

Detailed definition:

  1. A variant name of Je-ru-b-ba-al (the other name of Gi-de-o-n H-33-7-8) substituting the word 'shame' for the name of the pagan god 'Ba-al'.

De-ri-v'-e-d terms: From H-7-3-7-8 and H-13-22; - (i.e., the id-o-l) will contend.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ru-bːɛˈʃ-ɛt̪
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁu.bɛˈʃ-ɛt
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-ru-bb-eš-et
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-b-b-eh-S-H'-ET
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-b'eh-S-H'-ET


*~Je-ru-e-l, a place in Palestine, Hebrew: יְרוּאֵל, yĕ-rûʾēl (H-33-8-5)~

1 King James Bible Verses

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-33-8-5

Hebrew Base Word: יְרוּאֵל

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: Je-ru-e-l

Literally: taught by God

Definition: Je-ru-el, a place in Palestine.

Detailed definition:

  1. A place in the wilderness of southern J'-u-da-h.

Derived terms: From H-33-84 and H-4-10; founded of God.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ruːˈʔe-l
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁuˈʔ-el
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rûʾē-l
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-A'L-E
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-A-L'-E


*The glottal stop or glottal plosive is a type of consonantal sound used in many spoken languages, produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract or, more precisely, the glottis. The symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet that represents this sound is ʔ.

As a result of the obstruction of the airflow in the glottis, the glottal vibration either stops or becomes irregular with a low rate and sudden drop in intensity.[1]

*Green thing, green, i.e., an herb

~Hebrew: יָרוֹק, yā-rô-q (H-33-8-7)~

1 K J B Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-8-7

Hebrew Base Word: יָרוֹק

Part of speech: Noun 

Usage: Green thing

Definition: Green, i.e., an herb.

Detailed definition:

  1. Greens, green plants, green thing.

Derived terms: From H-3-41-7.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɔːˈro-k’
  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɑːˈʁo̞-w-k
  3. Transliteration: yā-rô-q
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-w-RO-K'-E
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-RO-K'-E

~*Je-ru-s-ha or Je-ru-s-ha-


*as an:Israelitess, Hebrew: יְרוּשָׁא

*yĕ-r-ûšāʾ (H-33-(8-8)~

2 K J B Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-(8-8)

Hebrew Base Word: יְרוּשָׁא

Part of speech: Proper Name Feminine

Usage: Je-ru-s-ha, Je-ru-s-ha-h

*the wife of Uzziah, and mother of: king J'o-t'-h-am 2 King-s 15:33

Definition: Je-ru-s-ha or: Je-ru-s-ha-h, as Israelitess.

Detailed definition:

  1. The wife of king U-zz-ia-h and mother of king J'-o-t'-h-am of J'-u-da-h.

De-ri-v'-e-d terms: Or יְרוּשָׁה feminine passive participle of H-34-23; possessed.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ruːˈʃ-ɔːʔ

  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁuˈʃɑːʔ

  3. Transliteration:yĕ-r-ûšāʾ

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-S-HA-W

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-oS-HA

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Jerusalem, Je-r-us-h-a-la-i’-m or: Je-ru-s-h-a-l-em, the capital city of Palestine~

Hebrew: יְרוּשָׁלִַם, yĕ-rû-šā-la-im (H-33-8-9)

600 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-8-9

Hebrew Base Word: יְרוּשָׁלִַם

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: Je-ru-sa-l'-em

Literally: teaching of peace

Definition: Je-ru-s-ha-la-i'-m or Je-r-us-h-

a-l-em, the capital city of P'-al-est-i-ne.

Detailed definition:

  1. The chief city of Palestine and capital of the Israel and the nation of J'-u-d'-a'h after the split.

Derived terms: Rarely יְרוּשָׁלַיִם; a dual (in allusion to its two main hills (the true pointing, at least of the former reading, seems to be that of H-33-9-0)); probably from (the passive participle of) H-33-84 and H-7-999; founded peaceful.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ruː.ʃɔː.lɑˈɪm

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁu.ʃɑː.lɑˈim

  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rû-šā-la-i'-m

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-s-ha-w-la-IM

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-os-h-

  6. a-la-E-EM


*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-ru-sa-l'-em, Hebrew: יְרוּשָׁלֵם, yĕ-rû-šā-l-ēm (H-33-9-0)~

25 KJ V Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-9-0

Hebrew Base Word: יְרוּשָׁלֵם

Part of speech: Proper Name Location

Usage: Je-r-usa-l'-em

Literally: teaching of peace

Definition: Je-ru-sa-l'-em.

Detailed definition:

  1. The chief city of P'-al-est-i-ne and capital of the united kingdom and the nation of J'-u-da-h after the split.

Derived terms: Corresponding to H-33-8-9.

Aramaic relationship: Ye-s


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ruː.ʃɔːˈl'-em
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁu.ʃɑːˈl'-em
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rû-šā-l'-ēm
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-
  5. os-h-aw-LA-ME
  6. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-o-s-ha-LA-ME

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Moon, a l-un-a-t'-io-n, i.e., month

Hebrew: יֶרַח, ye-ra-ḥ (H-33-9-1)~

13 K J-Bible Verses

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-33-9-1

Hebrew Base Word: יֶרַח

Part of speech: Noun 

Usage: Month, moon

Definition: A-luna-t'-io-n, i.e., month.

Detailed definition:

  1. Month (lunar cycle), moon.
    1. Month.
    2. Calendar month.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛˈrɑ-ħ
  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛˈʁɑ-χ
  3. Transliteration: ye-ra-ḥ
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-RA
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-RA-H-K

"9" also=september as in:september, 6th(Jesus).

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

Je-ra-h, Je-r'-a-ch, an A-r'-ab-ia-n patriarch, Hebrew: יֶרַח, ye-r-a-'ḥ (H-33-9-2)

2 KJ Bible Verses

 Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-9-(2)

Hebrew Base Word: יֶרַח

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-r'-a-h

Literally: new moon

Definition: Je-r'-a-ch, an A-r'-ab-ia-n patriarch.

Detailed definition:

  1. A 4th son of J'-ok-t'-an and a progenitor of an Arabian tribe.

Derived terms: The same as H-33-9-1.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛˈr'-ɑ-ħ
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛˈʁɑ-χ
  3. Transliteration: ye-r'-a-ḥ
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-R'-A
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-RA-H-K

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-ro-h-am, Je-ro-ch-am,

Hebrew: יְרֹחָם, yĕ-rō-ḥ-ām (H-33-9-5)~

10 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-9-5

Hebrew Base Word: יְרֹחָם

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-ro-h-am

Literally: showing pity

Definition: Je-ro-ch-am

Detailed definition:

  1. Father of E-l'-k'-an-a-h and grandfather of Sa-m-u-e'-l of the house of K'-o-hat'-h.

  2. A Benjamite and the founder of a family of Benjamites.

  3. Father or progenitor of I-b-ne-ia-h and a B'-e-n-j-am-i'-t'-e

  4. Father of A'-z'-a-ri-a-h one of the captains with Je-ho-i-a-da in the time of A'-t'-h'-a-l'-ia-h.

Derived terms: From H-7-3-55; compassionate.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.roˈħɔːm

  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁo̞-wˈχ'-ɑːm

  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rō-ḥ-ām

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-h-H-AW-M

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ro-h-H'-A-H-M

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-r'-ah-me-el, Je-r'-a-ch-me-el, the name of three Israelites

Hebrew: יְרַחְמְאֵל, yĕ-r'-a-ḥ-mĕʾēl (H-33-96)~

8 K J B Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-96

Hebrew Base Word: יְרַחְמְאֵל

Part of speech: Proper Name

Usage: Je-r'-a-h-me-e-l'

Literally: may God have pity

Definition: Je-ra-ch-me-e'-l', the name of three Israelites.

Detailed definition:

  1. The 1st son of H'-e'-z-ro-n, grandson of P'-h-a-re-z, and great grandson of J'u-d'-a-h and the founder of the family of Je-r'-a-h-me-el'-i'-t'-es.

  2. Officer sent by king Je-ho-i-a-kim of J'-u-da-h to arrest B'-a-ru-ch.

  3. A Me-ra-ri-t'-e L'-ev-i-t'-e the representative of the family of Ki-s-h, the son of M'-a-h-l'-i.

Derived: terms: From H-7-3-5-5 and H-4-10; God will compassionate.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɑ-ħ.mɛ̆ˈʔe'-l

  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic A'-l'-p'-h-ab-et: jɛ̆.ʁɑ-χ.mɛ̆ˈʔel

  3. Transliteration: yĕ-ra-ḥ-mĕʾē-l

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ra-me-h-A-L'-E

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r'-a-hk-me-h-A-L'-E

  1. Officer sent by king Je-ho-i-a-kim of J'-u-da-h to arrest B'-a-ru-ch.

  2. *these were:the first-stories  *about these people.

  3. *We Are (II)


*~L' and: l'=LaPOINTE AND:laPointe~
*and:LAPOINTE AND:lapointe.~

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-r'-a-h-me-elite-s, a Je-r'-a-ch-me-elite also: descendant of Je-ra-ch-me-e-l'~

Hebrew: יְרַחְמְאֵלִי, yĕ-ra-ḥ-mĕʾē-l'-

î (H-33-9-7)

2 K J Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-33-9-7

Hebrew Base Word: יְרַחְמְאֵלִי

Part of speech: Adjective

Usage: Je-ra-h-me-e-l'-i-t'-es

Literally: may God have pity

Definition: A Je-ra-ch-me-elite or descendant of Je-ra-ch-me-e-l.

Detailed definition:

  1. The descendants of Je-r'-a-h-me-e-l', the great grandson of Judah.

Derived terms: Patronymically from H-33-96.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.r'-ɑ-ħ.mɛ̆.ʔeˈl'ɪi̯
  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁ'-a-χ.mɛ̆.ʔeˈl'-iː
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-r'-a-ḥ-mĕʾē-l'-î
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ra-me-h-a'y-L'-EE
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r'-a-hk-me-h-a'-y-L'EE

* this is an:inverted"R":"ʁ" 
*not A:"k"

*doesnot mean it is not valid.
*means it is not being *what it is: supposed to.

*~L' and: l'=LaPOINTE AND:laPointe~
*and:LAPOINTE AND:lapointe.~ .~

~Je-ri-e-l', an Israelite, Hebrew: יְרִיאֵל, yĕ-rî-ʾē-l' (H-34-00)~

1 King James Bible Verses

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-3-40-0

Hebrew Base Word: יְרִיאֵל

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-ri-e-l

Literally: taught by God

Definition: Je-ri-e-l, an Israelite.

Detailed definition:

  1. One of the 6 heads of the house of T'-o-la of the tribe of I's-sa-ch-ar.

De-ri-v'e-d terms: From H-33-84 and H-4-10; thrown of God


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɪi̯ˈʔel
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁiːˈʔel
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rîʾēl'
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-re-e-A'L'-E
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r-ee-A'-L'-E

*~L' and: l'=LaPOINTE AND:laPointe~
*and:LAPOINTE AND:lapointe.~

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary


Hebrew: יָרִיב, yā-rîb (H-3-40-2)~

3 K J Bible Verses

 Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-3-40-2

Hebrew Base Word: יָרִיב

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Ja-rib

Literally: he contends

Definition: Ja-rib Israelites.

Detailed definition:

  1. A son of S'i-me-o'-n.
  2. One of the chief men of Israel who returned from exile with E-z'-ra.
  3. Son of J'-oz-a-da-k and a priest of the house of Je-s-hu-a who married a foreign wife and was compelled by E-z-ra to put her away.

Derived terms: The same as H-3-40-1.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɔːˈrɪi̯b
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈʁiːv
  3. Transliteration: yā-rîb
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-w-RE-E-B
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-R-E-EV





*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Je-ri-a-h, Je-ri-ja-h, an Israelite, Hebrew: יְרִיָּה, yĕ-ri-y-yâ (H-34-04)~

3 King James Bible Verses

Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-34-04

Hebrew Base Word: יְרִיָּה

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-ri-a-h, Je-ri-ja-h

Literally: taught by Je-ho-v-a'-h

Definition: Je-ri-ja-h, an Israelite.

Detailed definition:

  1. A K'-o-hat-hi-t'-e L'-ev-i-t'-e and chief of the house of H'-e-b-ro-n when David organised the service.

Derived terms: Or יְרִיָּהוּ; from H-33-84 and H-30-50; Ja-h will throw.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɪ-j-ˈjɔː
  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁiˈjɑː
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-ri-y-yâ
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ri-h-YA-W
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-re-e-YA

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

Je-ri-ch-o & Je-re-c-ho, a place in Palestine

Hebrew: יְרִיחוֹ, yĕ-rî-ḥô (H-34-05)

53 K J Bible Verses

Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-34-05

Hebrew Base Word: יְרִיחוֹ

Part of speech: Proper Name Lo-c'-a-t'-io-n

Usage: Je-ri-c-ho

Literally: its moon

Definition: Je-rich-o & Je-re-c-ho, a place in P'-al'-est-i-ne.

Detailed definition:

  1. A city 5 miles (8 km) west of the Jordan and 7 miles (11.5 km) north of the Dead Sea and the first city conquered by the Israelites upon entering the promised land of Canaan.

Derived terms: Or יְרֵחוֹ; or variation (1 King-s 16:34) יְרִיחֹה; perhaps from H-33-9-4; its month; or else from H-7-30-6; fragrant.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɪi̯ˈħo
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁiːˈχ'-o̞'-w
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rî-ḥô
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-re-e-HO-H
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r-ee-HO-H

*Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary

~Curtain, a hanging (a'-s  t'-r'-em-u-lo-us), Hebrew: יְרִיעָה, yĕ-rîʿ-â (H-34-07)~

32 K J Bible Verses

Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-34-07

Hebrew Base Word: יְרִיעָה

Part of speech: Noun Feminine

Usage: Curtain

Definition: A hanging (a-s t'-r'-em-u-lo-us).

Detailed definition:

  1. Curtain, drape.

Derived terms: From H-3-41-5.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɪi̯ˈʕɔː
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁiːˈʕɑː
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rîʿâ
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-re-e-A'-W
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r-ee-A-H

*~Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary~

Je-ri-o-t'-h, an Israelitess, Hebrew: יְרִיעוֹת, yĕ-r'îô-t' (H-34-08)

1 K J Bible Verses

 Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-34-08

Hebrew Base Word: יְרִיעוֹת

Part of speech: Proper Name Feminine

Usage: Je-r'-io-t'-h

Literally: curtains

Definition: Je-ri-o-t'-h, an Israelitess.

Detailed definition:

  1. The wife or concubine of Cal-e-b, the son of H'-e'-z-ro-n of the descendants of J'-u-da-h.

Derived terms: Plural of H-34-07; curtains.


  1. Biblical International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.rɪi̯ˈʕo-t̪'
  2. Modern International P'-ho-ne-t'-ic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁiːˈʕo̞-w-t
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rîʿô-t'
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-re-e-O-T'-E
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-r-ee-O-T'-E

*~Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary~

~Loins, shaft, side, the thigh (from its fleshy softness)

*Hebrew: יָרֵךְ, yā-rē-k (H-34-09)~

32 King James Bible Verses

Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details

Strong's Number: H-34-09

Hebrew Base Word: יָרֵךְ

Part of speech: Noun Feminine

Usage: × body, loins, shaft, side, thigh

Definition: The thigh (from its fleshy softness); by euphemistically the generative parts; figuratively, a shank, flank, side.

Detailed definition:

  1. Thigh, side, loin, base.

    1. Thigh.

      1. Outside of thigh (where sword was worn).

      2. Loins (as the seat of procreative power).

    2. Side (flank) (of object).

    3. Base.

Derived terms: From an unused root meaning to be soft.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɔːˈre-k

  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɑːˈʁe-χ

  3. Transliteration: yā-rē-k

  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ya-w-RA-K'-E

  5. Modern Pronunciation: ya-RA-K'-E

*~Strong's Concordance, Hebrew Dictionary~

Je-re-ma-i, an Israelite, Hebrew: יְרֵמַי, yĕ-rē-may (H-3-413)

1 King James Bible Verses

Information sourced from Strong's Concordance[1].

Definition Details:

Strong's Number: H-3-413

Hebrew Base Word: יְרֵמַי

Part of speech: Proper Name 

Usage: Je-re-ma-i

Literally: my exaltations

Definition: Je-re-ma-i, an Israelite.

Detailed definition:

  1. A descendant of Ha-s-hu-m who took a foreign wife in the time of E'-z'-ra and was compelled to put her away.

Derived terms: From H-7-3-11; elevated.


  1. Biblical International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.reˈmɑ-i̯
  2. Modern International Phonetic Alphabet: jɛ̆.ʁeˈmɑ-i̯
  3. Transliteration: yĕ-rē-may
  4. Biblical Pronunciation: ye-h-ray-M'A-I
  5. Modern Pronunciation: ye-h-ra-y-M'-A-I

*~I,am:arwen,Jesus's rachel(rachel II).
*As is:Prophesied about:Aragorn II *With And:About For: *And:With:Arwen~.

*~New Testament rachel is:rachel II.~



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Es-pe-ra-nt-o Wi-ki-pe-d-ia has an article on:
kim-ra flag-o
We-l'-s-h f-la-g


From kim-ro +‎ -a. Compare Welsh Cy-m-ra-e-g'C'y-m-re-ig.


  • I-PA(key)[ˈkim-ra]
  • A-u-d-io: 
  • R'-h-y-me-s: -im-ra
  • H-y'-p'-hen-a-t'-io-n: kim‧ra


kim-ra (accusative  kim-ra-n,  kim-ra-jaccusative  kim-ra-j-n)

  1. Welsh (of or pertaining to Wales or the Welsh people) h'-y-pe-r-n-y-m-s ▼
  2. (la kim-raClipping of la kim-ra l'-in-g'v'-o (the Welsh language).

Related terms:

*Kim-r-io (Wales)Kim-ri-o

              ~33-9-4. ya-re-a-ch~

Strong's Concordance
ya-re-a-ch: moon

Original Word: יָרֵחַ

Part of Speech: Noun 
Transliteration: ya-re-a-ch
Phonetic Spelling: (ya-w-ra-y'-a-kh)
Definition: moon

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