Wednesday, September 20, 2023

~E-n-ya - On My Way Home (Official Video)~

                              ~(4)-6. ab-i-r~
Strong's Concordance
ab-i-r: strong

Original Word: 
Part of Speech: Adjective Masculine
Transliteration: ab-i-r
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-b-ee-r')
Definition: strong

P'-sa-l'-m 132:5
H'-E-B: לַיהוָ֑ה מִ֝שְׁכָּנ֗וֹת לַאֲבִ֥יר יַעֲקֹֽב׃
NA-S: A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.
KJ-V: an habitation for the mighty [God] of Jacob.
I-NT: the LORD A dwelling the Mighty of Jacob

 ~E-n-ya-On My Way Home (Official Video)~








Word Summary
ar-c-ha-io-s: original, ancient

Original Word: ἀ-ρ-χ-α-ῖο-ς
Transliteration: ar-c-ha-io-s
Phonetic Spelling: (ar-kh-ah'-y'-os)
Part of Speech: Adjective
Short Definition: original, ancient
Meaning: original, ancient

Strong's Concordance

of old, original.

From ar-ch-e; original or p'ri-m-ev'-al -- (them

 of) old (t'-i-me).

see GREEK ar-ch-e

Thayer's Greek Lexicon

STRONGS NT 744: ἀ-ρ-χ-α-ῖο-ς

                  ~15-10. e-i-mi   1-51-0~

Strong's Concordance
e-i-mi: I exist, I am

Original Word: ε-ἰ-μ-ί
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: e-i-mi
Phonetic Spelling: (i-me-e')
Definition: I exist, I am
Usage: I am, exist.

                   ~26-8-9. c-hat-so-t'-s-ra-h~

Strong's Concordance
c-hat-so-t'-s-ra-h: (an ancient) trumpet

Original Word: חֲצֹצְרָה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: c-hat-so-t'-s-ra-h
Phonetic Spelling: (k'-ha-t'-s-o-t'-se-r-aw')
Definition: (an ancient) trumpet



3 of 3

noun (2)

capitalized any of the nine sister goddesses in Greek mythology presiding over song and poetry and the arts and sciences
*C-l-io is the Greek Muse of history.

*Most commonly, it was thought that the Muses were born in Pieria at the foot of Mount Olympus, so they were often called either Olympian or Pierian Muses. However, Mount Helicon in Boeotia was a place they certainly held dear to their hearts, since it was here that Hesiod met them and was inspired by them to write “The Theogony.” Unsurprisingly, they are referred to as “Heliconian Muses” in the first verse of that glorious poem.

*Number, Names, Attributes, and Domains
Depending on the region where they were celebrated, both the names and the number of Muses varied. There are various accounts of five, seven and even eight Muses. However, they are most often either three (probably in earlier reports) or nine (following Hesiod and maybe Homer).

*The Three Muses
At both De-l'--p-hi and S'-ic-y-o-n, there were no more than three Muses. According to P'-lu-t'-ar-ch, one of the S'-ic-y-o-n-ia-n Muses was called Po-l'-y-math-e-ia, or “The One of Much Learning.” Pa-usa-n-ia-s, a Greek geographer from the second century, claims that there were originally three H'-e-l'-ic-o-n-ian Muses as well. However, the names he cites for them – Melete (“Study”), M'ne-me (“Mem-o-r'-y”), and Aoide (“Song”) – sound too modern to believe him.

*The Nine Muses
In “The Theogony,” H'-es-io-d tells us that there were nine Muses – and most authors, especially since Roman times, abide by his account. The Greek epic poet gives a meaningful name to each of these nine Muses, but we don’t know whether he had intended a different office for all of them. Later poets, however, used the H'-es-io-d-ic names as a foundation for further differentiation, so they distributed the Muses among diverse realms, attaching to each of them different attributes and powers. Here’s a tentative list:

*The Nine Muses
In “The Theogony,” H'-es-io-d tells us that there were nine Muses – and most authors, especially since Roman times, abide by his account. The Greek epic poet gives a meaningful name to each of these nine Muses, but we don’t know whether he had intended a different office for all of them. Later poets, however, used the Hesiodic names as a foundation for further differentiation, so they distributed the Muses among diverse realms, attaching to each of them different attributes and powers. Here’s a tentative list:

• T'-h-a-l'-ia (“The Cheerful One”) was the Muse of Comedy and was often portrayed holding a comic mask or a shepherd’s crook;

• U-ra-n-ia (“The Heavenly One”) was the Muse of Astronomy, and you can often see her holding a globe;

• Mel-p'-om-e-ne (“She Who Sings”) was the Muse of Tragedy, and she is either holding a tragic mask or some other symbol of tragedy (sword, club, b'-us-ki-n-s);

• Po-l'-y-hymn-ia (“She of the Many Hymns”) was the Muse of Hymns and sacred poetry, often depicted with a pensive look hidden behind a veil;


• E'-ra-t'-o (“The Lovely One”) was the Muse of Lyric Poetry; naturally, she’s usually represented with a l'-y-re;

• C'-al-l'-io-pe (“The One with a Beautiful Voice”) was the Muse of E'-p-ic Poetry; Hesiod claims that she was the foremost among the nine, since “she attends on worshipful princes”; C'-al-l'-io-pe can often be seen holding a writing tablet;

• C'-l-io (“The Celebrator,” “The Proclaimer”) was the Mu-se of History, and, quite fittingly, she usually holds a scroll;

• Euterpe (“She Who Pleases”), was the Muse of Flute-playing, which is why she is time and again portrayed with an a-u-l'-os;

• T'-e-r-p'--si-c-ho-re (“The One Delighting in the Dance”), was the Muse of Choral Lyric and Dancing; as expected, she is usually shown dancing and sometimes holding a lyre.

The order in which we presented the Muses here is not the order they are usually given in. However, we chose it for a reason: in this order, the initials of the Muses form an acronym (“TUM PECCET”) which students used for many centuries to remember the names of the goddesses. Interestingly, “Tum peccet” means something along the lines of the playfully ironic “Well, try to forget now!” – which fits perfectly with the role of the Muses as memorizers and the function of the mnemonic device itself!

The Muses in Particular Myths
Other than divine inspirers in the verses of the poets, the Muses appear rarely in myths; and when they do, they are usually much less gentle revelers than diving avengers.

Presided over by Apollo, the Muses spent much of their time on Olympus cheerfully singing and dancing at the feasts of the gods. Sometimes they also came down to earth, so as to either mourn a funeral (like that of Achilles) or celebrate a marriage (like those of Peleus to Thetis and Cadmus to Harmonia).

Protective of their status, the Muses were not above punishing anyone who dared to challenge their skill.

contest against his nine daughters, who, after their defeat, were transformed into prattling magpies.

...."the Muses seemed like the perfect candidates for mothers of few mythical musicians and dancers.

Consequently, O-r-p'-h'-e-us was often identified as the son of Calliope, as were sometimes the S'-i-re-n-s, who were more commonly linked to either T'-e-r-p-s-ic-ho-re or Me-l'-p'-om-e-ne. L'-i-n'-us, the great musician and orator of Thrace, was fathered by A-po-l'--lo with either Calliope or Urania, and the Corybantes were usually described as sons of T'-ha-l'-ia.

In addition, H'-ya-c'-i-nt-hus was thought of as the son of C'-l-io, and Rhesus as the son of either C'-al-l'-io-pe or E'-u-t'-e-r-pe.

The M'-us-es Sources
Read the first hundred or so verses of Hesiod’s “Theogony,” where the poet eloquently invokes the Heliconian Muses. In the first four sections of the first book’s third chapter of Apollodorus’ “Library,” there’s an excellent summary of the most important myths related to the Muses and their offspring.

See Also: Mnemosyne, Sirens, Pierus, Orpheus

Who was The Muses?
The Muses were the Greek goddesses of poetic inspiration, the adored deities of song, dance, and memory, on whose mercy the creativity, wisdom and insight of all artists and thinkers depended. They may have been originally three in number, but, according to Hesiod and the prevailing tradition he established, most commonly they are depicted as the nine daughters of Z'-e-us and M'-n-em-os-y-ne.


*~&there are no-other woman.
*all of:the 9 muses are:one-woman.

&~this is:who,i,am.~


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~11-8-3. de-k'-at-oó~I tithe, collect tithe from~

                       ~11-8-3. de-k'-at-oó~ Lexicon de-k'-at-oó: to collect tithes Original Word:  δε-κ'-ατ-όω Part of Speech: ...