Sunday, April 19, 2015

Gold cervical cap©(yes,also a diaphragm,I know this),I wrote cervical cap with a purpose.©

Hey there God,
*Do you think that you should make those whore muslims remove that fucking *Gold cervical cap(dome of the rock)©
*from your vagina"s cervix.©
(Jerusalem is God's *vagina;symbolically my vagina*
*Israel the Nation: is God's *everlasting marriage blood covenant that I am the physical embodiment of.)©

*That *Gold cervical cap*©
*it was keeping your "Everlasting Love"(The actual Nation that I am the physical embodiment of "Israel" from reproducing *with you&NOW Israel
*Jesus Christ's Nation while you let her get raped by Islam etc.)©

*hey God not all birth control methods are fool proof.

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal, Queen.©
©~Emmanuel rev.12~

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