Tuesday, April 28, 2015

(updated) ~Princess Leia:Jesus's&my grandaughter~©

~I absolutely do resemble princess Leia~©

~Jesus Christ's&~my~(our),
~ daughter"padme"~
~gives birth to~Luke skywalker~&~princess Leia~©

*~Luke&Leia~ are ~Jesus's&my~(our),

~absolute prophecy~©

*unless you are me,
~Jesus Christ's wife;
~The woman from rev.12.
~ who is:
~Jesus Christ's wife,queen,eternal~©
~who God pours forth;
~bleeds everlasting marriage blood covenants©
~from in ~Jesus Christ's~ ~Holy
~&First is only~©
~God pours these miraculous everlasting marriage blood covenants from my womb and vagina in Jesus Christ's Holy name.©
&God also puts holes in my  hands&feet in Jesus's likeness&God does many more miracles than this for ~Jesus Christ~my husband&I~©

*it doesn't even matter who   or what at all you look like ever.©

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,
~Jesus Christ's wife, Queen, eternal~©

~Kimberly marie rev.12.,Jesus Christ's wife~©


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                       ~7839. s-ha-ch-a-ruth~ Strong's Concordance s-ha-ch-a-ruth: blackness Original Word:  שַׁחֲרוּת Part of Speech:  ...