Monday, October 13, 2014

she kept on trying to put silver bells and silver decorations in..she was not invited, she is wicked, no little Angel,tilling...

Dream, this woman in my dream, keeps on mocking me, she keeps trying to stand in front of me, and mock me, if I move to the left she did if I move to the right she did, omgosh, she will not stop, we are standing in the snow,she is still doing this and there are others there, she is trying to get my coat off of me, saying she left hers somewher, but that she likes mine better,I was so upset, she was not even joking grabbing me so forcefully, I was getting upset almost losing my balance, next to her is a box it is hers, it is tin, not good biblically, at all, in it are silver bells, and 30 of them, also in the box is a book, I stare at the book and see omgosh, that it is one of Jesus and mine,omgish,I say to her, that is Jesus's and my book, lbs of our books, she then  says to me, yah,good reading,I said, give our book back, and ask her if that is how she got here with me, she said, "well I was following pretty good and at first not really knowing where I was going, but then I arrived here and I am not wanting to leave",
I said, "you were not invited so you need to leave", as I did there I could hear other people and I heard wordly christmas music,I wanted to see who was doing this,( I knew it was a party,that was going on)
so I said again to tilling, (her name),I said, "you need to give me Jesus and my book, our names are on this book",I said, "what you cannot read!", she said, "well,I kind of just read and accept only the parts,I wanted myself lifted up by",I then, made a quick grab for the book, and got it, it was a hard cover, burgundy and the pages had gold rings and gold writing with gold edging,I then held it tight, that woman/girl" tilling" then stated to run to the party,I tried to tell at her, next I am at the party too,
I was so upset, people there, that  were not invited , because they are wicked and on the side of the wicked pastors and the wicked,I started crying badly, they were decorating trees, building snowmen, they had a gold glitter crow bar and more of Jesus and my books,omgosh,everywhere,so many of them,I thought, omgish and cried a terrible cry, I could not even believe they were having a party here not even invited in the first place and then  the nerve of celebrating ,some of them did not even know me at all, yet were in Jesus and my village, partying pagan style, some did not even knew why they are there at all, but to party,tilling had her tin box with her, and she started to try and hang the silver bells on evergreens, her favorite place, so I fell on the floor and in real time I do this,I fell on the floor and started crying so badly,I could not breathe,people as if they could not hear me and some like they could not see me started helping her decorate more, I wanted them to leave Jesus and my village, they were trying to do things their ways, taking only the info from Jesus and my story that they liked, and they were not allowed to be here besides without having known me or Jesus, and they know him not, to do the  things they are doing,omgosh, next people more and more people show up and people are copying my and Jesus's books and selling them, packaging then and it is there golden ticket into Jesus's and my village,I am screaming my brains out, losing my mind and I am sweating and all drenched my face beet red and I sound like a baby, in every place people are setting up their "own" little part of the village to their liking to suit themselves, in and I mean this in every place are people doing as, they choose picking and choosing the parts they liked.
Jesus and my books,writings, and decorating, Jesus and my village their ways,I almost vommited,people were telling me to get out of their way, and then, thrusting Jesus and my books under the decorated trees,I was in absolute shock, then girls and women and the men were trying to make clothes, there were at least 50couples trying to make santa Claus suits with bright red etc material, and children with clothes like elves, one person had an adult golden retriver detriever, in a reindeer outfit,I was kidding/losing my sanity, Jesus was nowhere physically and I kept on looking for him,I was still on the floor screaming and crying, like a baby, I  then think I can start to hear sleigh bells off in a distance,I try to focus, above the wordly christmas music, and yes,I hear the constant sound of sleigh bells,I start to get up of v the floor, and go to the window,I.look out and I see a sleigh from a, distance coming right toward the village,I then, run outside,I absolutely know Jesus is almost here, he gets closer then lands the sleigh right in front of me,
I scream and run to him , he stood the sleigh , and grabs me into his arms, and I am in hysterics, he is  kissing the top of my head, he  then see everyone coming out to look at him, he glares them, ,  he covers me with his blanket wraps me in his burgundy Santa claus cloak with the white fur all over the edging of it, and grabs the reigns, we start to lift up into the air, higher and higher we  rise and I am so happy , peace finally, as I am sitting there he touched the sack that the  presents are in, and motions to me to look so I do, and in it, and it is, so full, are everyone of  our books that everyone had stolen.
Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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