Monday, October 13, 2014

again,I, Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12., was handed the pattern, and Jesus told me, you have the plan, in your hand, you penned it,

Again in a dream,
I, Kimberly Marie Lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife, was in a room in Jesus's and my home right now, and I was making a Christmas cake for Jesus and I, and I hear a knock at the door,
I go to the door,
it is the UPS man,
he says to me,
Are you, the wife of Jesus Christ, from revelation 12.,
I happily say yes,I sure am,
He says to me,I have a package for you from your husband and your father in law,
I said ok,
He needed to have me sign my name on the dotted line.
So I did,
I signed, Kimberly Marie Lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,
Then he handed me a maze colored envelope, with My,Jesus's and Elokim, (God's name is Elokim),
I hurried and wiped my hands.
I.had rinsed them.
I had cake batter on them and an apron on.
I opened the envelope inside was another fabric pattern packet and on it was a picture of Santa Claus, and Mrs. Santa Claus.
I look closely at their faces,
and it was Jesus's and my faces,
and there are also children dressed like elves.
So cute,I then counted in my mind how many children there were on the package.
There were 7 and a wrapped gift next to the children.
One of them is sitting on top of the wrapped gift.
I was so excited,
I then holding that in my hand,
looking one more time into the envelope, and what I see on it is some papers.
I pull them out of the envelope I look at them and they have a gold emblem seal on them.
They are signed by Jesus and also have a stamp with Jesus's and my name on them.
And, God as I can see had signed it as well.
I then look on the pages and see, Jesus's, and My Everlasting Marriage Blood Covenants on these Pages.
There are as I count them five pages,and each also has two Gold Heart Seals.
I start to read the first page,
It is addressed to Me and requires My Signature with my own pens.
I also read that Jesus is officially telling the world that everything,
Every detail about this Story of His and Mine is His and Mine and that He is testifying in this.
That He knows that I, Kimberly Marie Lapointe Revelation 12  His Wife Penned This Whole Story From My Heart As a Gift FOR Him and My,Our, Love Story,
and that in the whole world it is written, No-where that I, His Wife has/has not put it.
I finished reading every detail three times.
Then I went and got my pens, and signed it,
Three times and I then sealed it with a kiss( kissed it)
and He asked Me to reseal it,
So I did, then to place it in a safe place,
So I did.
Kimberly Marie Lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen.

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