Saturday, October 11, 2014

her left hand was slammed in a lift,she has nerve damage....

Girl online notsa
 but a rotten snot,I had a dream, she at her work place got her hand slammed in a lift,the older elevator lift,her left hand,sybolizes marriage,in the true church, god slammed her rotten left hand in a lift, gid does not want her lifted up ever but especially as anything in this,
Next,she is not wanting to buy a mazda,  ut meeps thinking she is bejng told,no that would  contradict the left hand bejng slamMed by god,she said In my dream she feels like simply scrumptious,I felt nausiated next and her brother eating marijuana plants,and sniffing paint cans,she threw a can of white paint out of her car window, laughed and said to her brother in the passenger seat can I,he said sure,she then put her on his private and rubbed him,he leaned back in his seat,she pulled in to a beach parking spot ,she next and her brother were on the beach in the dark naked and I mean this,they were having sex,so grossed I was.she is a nasty person,I saw jnto her car and she had a crow bar on the seat,I told the police,she also had a cN of spray paint and a clear paper sholder sleeve,with name tags in it and a blue ink pen,jn the folder I see  tilling the ...,bella and eb1003, I could see the bsck seat if her car and on it she has my makeup, I bought it for Jesus's and my wedding ceremony,it has a gold case and is engraved with Jesus and my name on it,and Jesus's and my wedding ceremony date,I then tell on this too.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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