Monday, October 13, 2014

Dream, brown lion....

There was a brown lion and his cubs, and a regular tan colored lion and his cubs too, they were in a museum, and the people liked them very much,I was watching people trying to feed them and they were also buying items from the gift shop for them, and souvineirs for themselves, there was some kind of match going on, for a huge prize, some wordly competing series of events, the winner would wear a gold sash, but it was a plastic looking sash, and it was fake gold, like a crunchy material, almost like celophane
it had written on it something, it enlarged before me and I don't think people could see what it had written on it or they did not get it, it had written on it,appolyons faithful, and underneath that read,abaddons loyal one,
I was yucked out by this,I knew that,means that the gold sash, it was for the anti christs helper,
the winner of the sash is the antichrists helper..
Jesus said to me, the  brown lion is  also the devil and his offspring,
Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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