Monday, October 13, 2014

Jesus presses a spot of ash into her hand...

African woman kept on trying to murder me, she grabbed a machete, and started coming at Jesus, and my hedges, she kept on doing this, Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife, were watching her, and Jesus went to call the authorities on her,I kept on watching her, she had her car parked backwards in our parking lot, her young daughter  and baby boyin the car, in his car seat, she was trying to get her brother out of his car seat, she did it, and then she opened the car door, that african woman, was screaming obsenaties,Her daughter was trying to grab something from inside of her mother's pocket book, it was some kind of picture of herself, Jesus was so angry at her, he went to the kitchen and grabbed a gold lighter and a gold container of oil, and then he wet to the living room at our castle, and he opened our front door, he waited there for a moment and then that african woman spotted Jesus and started running at him,
Then I got so upset and went to go outside, but Jesus put his, arm up to protect me, the woman had the machete, in her hand, she then tried to get closer to Jesus he steps forward and,I see a flash of light like the flash of a camera, the woman is gone, but a pile of ash is where she was standing, and the machete is there, laying on the pile of ash, around our hedges comes her son, Jesus at that moment says," the devils son is this child that comes around this hedge, cursed in life,cursed in death are his whole family", then the woman's daughter she is about ,6 years old, comes around the hedge and says to Jesus,
"My mommy says you are for me", Jesus gets so angry, he goes over to the ash pile that is what remains of her mother, he has  gloves on, he puts his thumb into the ash then as the African's woman's daughter reaches for the machete, Jesus turns her hand over, and presses the ash that is on his gloved hand into the Palm of her left hand, as an  insult to her,firmly,and says ," you are of your father, the devil as is your mother the devil's wife, and your brother,his spawn as well",as Jesus spoke this,
 from the ash,a screaching female demon with her mother's face, flew into the air, then Jesus opened up the hole in the ground,I saw an Angel , obey Jesus, the angel  he removes a huge chain, from the cover over the hole, and removes the cover, the demon woman screamed at Jesus and said,
"I hate you,I want you in hel"l,
Then Jesus said to her, "forever you will reside in this place of torment that you are condemned to, and my wife, Kimberly Marie lapointe, is the only wife for me, and cursed is cush and the like, rejected of my father and by me, Africa will be as the dust that I kick off of my shoes in the day of judgement,all of the inhabitants, thereof who side with her will be as her in her death, ash..."
the police  then show up and the white four door car.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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