Monday, January 22, 2024

~*~XXV.~ ABRAHAM’S MARRIAGE WITH KETURAH. (1) Then again Abraham took a wife.—GENESIS 25:1~



Englishman's Concordance

w-ə·qō·wn·nū — 1 Occurrence

E-z-e-ki-e-l'- 27:32
HE-B: בְּנִיהֶם֙ קִינָ֔ה וְקוֹנְנ֖וּ עָלָ֑יִךְ מִ֣י
NA-S: up a la-me-nt-a-t-io-n for you And lament over
KJ-V: a la-me-nt-a-t-io-n for thee, and lament over thee, [saying], What [city is] like T-y-r-us,
I-NT: their wailing A la-me-nt-a-t'-io-n and la-me-nt over Who


Englishman's Concordance

qə·ṭū·rā-h — 4 Occurrences

Ge-ne-sis 25:1
HE-B: אִשָּׁ֖ה וּשְׁמָ֥הּ קְטוּרָֽה׃
NA-S: wife, w-ho-se na-me was K'-et-u-ra-h.
KJ-V: a wife, and her name [w-as] K'-e-tu-ra-h.
I-NT: wife name was K'-e-tu-rah

Ge-ne-sis 25:4
HE-B: אֵ֖לֶּה בְּנֵ֥י קְטוּרָֽה׃
NA-S: t'-he-se [w-e-re] the son-s of K'-e-tu-ra-h.
KJ-V: All these [w-e-re] the children of K'-et-u-ra-h.
I-NT: these the sons of K'-et-u-ra-h

1 Ch-ro-n-ic'-l'-es 1:33
HE-B: אֵ֖לֶּה בְּנֵ֥י קְטוּרָֽה׃ ס
NA-S: these were the sons of K'-et-u-ra-h.
KJ-V: All these [are] the sons of K'-et-u-ra-h.
I-NT: these were the sons of K'-et-u-ra-h

Ge-ne-sis 25:1
HE-B: אִשָּׁ֖ה וּשְׁמָ֥הּ קְטוּרָֽה׃
NA-S: wife, w-ho-se na-me was K'-e-tu-ra-h.
KJ-V: a wife, and her name [w-as] K'-et-u-ra-h.
I-NT: wife name was K'-e-tu-ra-h

1 Ch-ro-n-ic-l'-es 1:32
HE-B: וּבְנֵ֨י קְטוּרָ֜ה פִּילֶ֣גֶשׁ אַבְרָהָ֗ם
NA-S: The sons of Keturah, Abraham's
KJ-V: Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's
I-NT: the sons of Keturah concubine Abraham's

*~wife name was Keturah~

INT: the sons of Keturah concubine Abraham's

wife name was Keturah





Ge-ne-sis 25:1
HE-B: אִשָּׁ֖ה וּשְׁמָ֥הּ קְטוּרָֽה׃
NA-S: wife, whose name was Keturah.
KJ-V: a wife, and her name [was] Keturah.
I-NT: wife name was Keturah



(1) Then again Abraham took a wife.—This rendering implies that Abraham’s marriage with Keturah did not take place until after Sarah’s death; but this, though probable, is far from certain, as the Hebrew simply says, And Abraham added and took a wife. This statement is altogether indefinite; but as Abraham was 137 years of age at Sarah’s death, and lived to be 175, it is quite possible that, left solitary by Isaac’s marriage, he took Keturah to wife, and had by her six sons.~

*~King James Bible~
Now the sons of Keturah, Abraham's concubine: she bare Zim-ra-n, and J-ok-s-han, and Me-d-an, and Midian, and I-s-h-ba-k, and S-hu-ah. And the sons of J-ok-s-han; She-ba, and De-d-an.



(1) Then again Abraham took a wife.—This rendering implies that Abraham’s marriage with Keturah did not take place until after Sarah’s death; but this, though probable, is far from certain, as the Hebrew simply says, And Abraham added and took a wife. This statement is altogether indefinite; but as Abraham was 137 years of age at Sarah’s death, and lived to be 175, it is quite possible that, left solitary by Isaac’s marriage, he took Keturah to wife, and had by her six sons.~

*Keturah (HebrewקְטוּרָהQ-əṭ-ū-rā, possibly meaning "incense";[1] Arabicقطورة) was a wife[2] and a concubine[3] of the Biblical patriarch Abraham. According to the Book of Genesis, Abraham married Keturah after the death of his first wife, Sarah. Abraham and Keturah had six sons

*~Genesis 25 Abraham again took a wife, and her name was Keturah. 2 And she bore him Zim-ra-n, J-ok-s-han, Me-d-an, M-id-i-an, I-s-h-ba-k, and S-hu-ah. 3 J-ok-s-han begot She-ba and De-d-an. And the sons of De-dan were As-s-hu-ri-m, L'-et-us-him, and L'-e-um-m-im. 4 And the sons of M-id-i-an were Ephah, E-p'-her, Han-o-ch, Ab-i-da-h, and El-da-ah. All these were the children of K'-et-u-ra-h.~


Englishman's Concordance

q-ō·w-m·mî·yū-ṯ' — 1 Occurrence

L'-ev-i-t'-ic-us 26:13
HE-B: וָאוֹלֵ֥ךְ אֶתְכֶ֖ם קֽוֹמְמִיּֽוּת׃ פ
NA-S: of your y-ok-e and ma-de you w'-a-l'-k e-re-c-t'.
KJ-V: of your y-ok-e, and ma-de you go upright.
I-NT: of your y-ok-ew-a-l'-k erect


Englishman's Concordance

ḇə·qō·w·mā·ṯ'-ām — 1 Occurrence

E-z-e-ki-e-l' 31:14
HE-B: לֹא־ יִגְבְּה֨וּ בְקוֹמָתָ֜ם כָּל־ עֲצֵי־
NA-S: may not be exalted in t'-heir stature, nor
KJ-V: exalt themselves for t'-heir height, ne-i-t'-her s-ho-o-t' up
I-NT: n-or may not be exalted t'-heir stature all the trees

        ~413-5. p'-l-é-ro-p'-ho-re-ó~

Strong's Concordance

p'-l'-é-ro-p'-ho-re-ó: to bring in full


 to fulfill

Original Word: π-λη-ρο-φο-ρέ-ω

Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: p-l'-é-ro-p'-ho-re-ó
Phonetic Spelling: (p'-la-y-ro-for-eh'-o)
Definition: to bring in full measure, to fulfill
Usage: (lit: I carry full), (a) I complete, carry out fully, (b) I fully convince, satisfy fully, (c) I fully believe.

                  ~413-7. p'-l'-é-ro-ó~

Strong's Concordance

p'-l-é-ro-ó: to make full, to complete

Original Word: π-λη-ρό-ω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: p'-l-é-ro-ó
Phonetic Spelling: (p'-la-y-ro'-o)
Definition: to make full, to complete
Usage: I fill, fulfill, complete.

             ~4845. sum-p'-l'-é-ro-ó~

Strong's Concordance

sum-p'-l'-é-ro-ó: to fill up completely,


 to fulfill

Original Word: συ-μ-π-λη-ρό-ω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: sum-p'-l'-é-ro-ó
Phonetic Spelling: (so-om-p'-la-y-ro'-o)
Definition: to fill up completely, to fulfill
Usage: I fill completely; pass: I am completed.

              ~1-6-03. (e)-k'-p-l'-(é)-ro-ó~

Strong's Concordance

(e)-k'-p'-l'-(é)-ro-ó: to fill full, to fulfill

Original Word: ἐ-κ'-π-λη-ρό-ω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: (e)-k-p'-l'-(é)-ro-ó
Phonetic Spelling: (e-k'-p'-la-y-ro'-o)
Definition: to fill full, to fulfill
Usage: I fill completely, fulfill in every particular (to the utmost), make good.

              ~19-04. e-per-ch-om-ai~

Strong's Concordance

e-per-ch-om-ai: to come to or upon

Original Word: ἐ-π-έ-ρ-χο-μ-αι

Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: e-per-ch-om-ai
Phonetic Spelling: (e-per'-kh-om-ah-ee)
Definition: to come to or upon
Usage: I come to, arrive, come on, come upon, attack.

                ~6-58. a-pot-(e)-l-(e)-ó~

Strong's Concordance

a-pot-(e)-l'-(e)-ó: to bring to an end,


Original Word: ἀ-ποτ'-ελ-έω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: a-pot-e-l'-eó
Phonetic Spelling: (a-pot-e-l'-e'-ho)
Definition: to bring to an end, complete
Usage: I complete, accomplish, form fully, perfect, bring to maturity.

                       ~5.4-8-6. sup-h~

Strong's Concordance

sup-h: to come to an end, cease

Original Word: סוּף
Part of Speech: Ver-b
Transliteration: sup-h
Phonetic Spelling: (so-o-f)
Definition: to come to an end, cease

*~ La-t'-e Hebrew סוֺף end)~


                   ~7-02-0. qi-t'-son~

Strong's Concordance

qi-t-son: at the end, outermost

Original Word: קִיצוֹן
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: qit-son
Phonetic Spelling: (k'-ee-t'-son-e')
Definition: at the end, outermost


Englishman's Concordance

la-q·qî·rō·w-ṯ' — 1 Occurrence

E-z-e-ki-e-l' 41:25
HE-B: כַּאֲשֶׁ֥ר עֲשׂוּיִ֖ם לַקִּיר֑וֹת וְעָ֥ב עֵ֛ץ
NA-S: l'-ik-e t-ho-se carved on the walls; and [t'-her-e was] a threshold
KJ-V: l'-ik-e as [w-e-re] ma-de upon the walls; and [t'-her-e were] t'-hi-c-k
I-NT: after carved the walls and a threshold of wood


Englishman's Concordance

k'-ə·q-îr — 1 Occurrence

P-sa-l'-m 62:3
HE-B: תְּרָצְּח֪וּ כֻ֫לְּכֶ֥ם כְּקִ֥יר נָט֑וּי גָּ֝דֵ֗ר
KJ-V: all of you: as a bo-wing wall [shall ye be, and as] a t'-o-tt-e-ring
I-NT: you may murder all wall A leaning wall

                 ~10-96. gi-n'-om-ai~

Strong's Concordance
gi-n'-om-ai: to come into being, to


 to become

Original Word: γ-ίν-ομ-αι
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: gi-n'-om-ai
Phonetic Spelling: (g'-hi-n'-om-ah-ee)
Definition: t'-o co-me into being, to happen, to become
Usage: I come into being, am born, become, come about, happen.

                  ~1-10-3. g'-né-s-io-s~

Strong's Concordance
g'-né-s-io-s: lawfully begotten, genuine

Original Word: γν-ή-σ-ιο-ς, α, ον

Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: g'-né-s-io-s
Phonetic Spelling: (g'-na-y'-s-ee-os)
Definition: lawfully begotten, genuine
Usage: (lit: born in wedlock), hence: real, true, genuine; with definite article: the true, genuine element.

                    ~110-4. g'-né-s-ió-s~

Strong's Concordance
g'-né-s-ió-s: sincerely, truly

Original Word: γν-η-σ-ίω-ς

Part of Speech: Adverb

Transliteration: g'-né-s-ió-s
Phonetic Spelling: (g'-na-y-s-ee'-o-se)
Definition: sincerely, truly
Usage: truly, genuinely, honorably, sincerely.

*Birth Name: Kimberly Noel Kardashian

Place of Birth: Los Angeles, California, United States

Date of Birth: October 21, 1980

*father – Armenian
*mother – English, as well as Scottish, Irish, German, Dutch, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, Welsh, remote Jersey Channel Islander and Cornish




*Recent Earthquakes:Hidden Hills, California, United States

Hidden Hills has had: (M1.5 or greater)

  • 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
  • 2 earthquakes in the past 7 days
  • 21 earthquakes in the past 30 days
  • 434 earthquakes in the past 365 days

*~Wellington earthquake: capital rocked by 4.7 magnitude shake~

The 4.8-magnitude earthquake struck around 5.25pm. Photo / File© Provided by NZ Herald

*As afternoon turned to evening in the capital on Saturday, Wellington residents were jolted by a light earthquake.

Geonet said the quake struck at 5.25pm, 35km southwest of Wellington.

It had a magnitude of 4.7 and originated from a depth of 8km.

One resident in Berhampore told the Herald the earthquake rattled his kitchen as he was making dinner, and it sounded like a large truck going past his house.

All images

1964 Alaska earthquake

All images
The 1964 Alaskan earthquake, also known as the Great Alaskan earthquake and Good Friday earthquake, occurred at 5:36 pm AKST on Good Friday, March 27. Across south-central Alaska, ground fi…
UTC time1964-03-28 03:36
Local dateMarch 27, 1964
The Cultural Impact of the Great Alaska Quake
The Cultural Impact of the Great Alaska Quake
A 9.2 quake hit Alaska in 1964, causing landslides, tsunamis, and fires. It killed over 130 people, razed towns, and displaced thousands.

*~Recent Earthquakes:

Windsor, California, United States~

Windsor has had: (M1.5 or greater)

  • 3 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
  • 30 earthquakes in the past 7 days
  • 98 earthquakes in the past 30 days
  • 1,080 earthquakes in the past 365 days

The largest earthquake in Windsor:

THE UK has been rocked by a DOUBLE earthquake as tremors shake the ground. The Scottish Highlands has been hit twice in the ...
The first earthquake struck Morvern, Scottish Highlands, on Wednesday and the second earthquake was felt on the Treshnish ...
A UK region has been hit by two earthquakes just hours apart. The quakes hit the Scottish Highlands just nine hours apart on ...

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