Wednesday, March 11, 2015

God thinks that He can touch me there with none to bare.©

I am absolutely not speaking about a human man.
I am speaking in writing about a God who is a disgusting&nasty supernatural being.
God thinks that He can touch my vagina with His mind power,for real!&because this sounds nuts,
***He thinks He can get away with this.
***Well here's a dish;
***God has sexual feeling and He is a reeling.
***He is one of those men who wants to have sex with a girl so freaking badly&
has become obsessed with hatred at her because
He knows He cannot ever have sex with her,I am not lying.
***He is so abusive,
***He will not stop hurting me&then giving me gifts.©

*** And He is like one of those supernatural beings on"Cocoon"
The movie.
***God is now nonstop touching me.
He is absolutely consumed with Jealousy about Jesus&I that He is also breathing down my neck all day&night.©
***God is a Goddamned pig!
***I am not speaking of a human man.
***No human man is near me in that way,
***I am not one of those women who are afraid to tell on anyone who violates or tries to violate me in any way,shape,or throne.
***the opposite is the truth,
***I scream really loudly!
In every way!©

"Janie"s got a gun"

© copyrighted Kimberly marie Lapointe,revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,
© Kimchirev12

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