Sunday, March 29, 2015

God hit concepcion ,Chile with a 9 earthquake,and God keeps hitting every concepcion place on the map with earthquakes&every disaster etc.©

*How much clearer can God be,
*God said absolutely No "Concepcion" as rev.12,
Jesus Christ's wife.©
~and No spanish children for Jesus's family line;&
~None from His DNA that are CONCEPCION©
~meaning absolutely Noone who is Conceived of any spanish in any form,
*any latino,spanish,hispanic,
Brazilian,peurto rican,Portuguese, cuban,chilean, or veniswalian,etc.©
Nationality,heritage, None!!!can ever be with Jesus Christ as His wife,not ever,
*nor can His seed ever mix with any "concepcion girl"or woman.
~ And Being Jewish is not an option it is an absolute.©&
*God  also said No Ra©

*Ra=the false sun god;
"osiris" etc.
*Jesus couldnot&would not ever even look at a spanish girl of any nation in any way,shape,or throne not ever.©
~ the Bible&Torah are absolutely clear.~

*Jesus would not ever want a girl with the name RA in hers,absolutely not ever.©

*Jesus would vomit on an arrogant girl or woman  with her thinking that He'd ever want her and her being from a nation He'd not ever be near.©
*who dine on literal swine,&
*also inviting themselves into Jesus's&my bedroom©

*God keeps on slamming earthquakes at"The mona passages"
In Puerto Rico&in the Dominican republic.©
*There is no spanish Holy grail or spanish Mona Lisa©

© copyrighted:Kimberly marie Lapointe,rev.12,Jesus Christ's wife, eternal.©
© Kimchirev12

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