Wednesday, March 11, 2015

And here is the absolute proof©(part 1)

***Are you ready to see God's little game in action,again!
***Jennifer Connelly is a descendant of "(Magog)Russia&poland,
***she is divorced and has another man,she is called what the bible says she is; AN
***she is not considered a "true Jew" being a descendant of "Magog"
Russia.(enemy people of Israel are the Russians&their sister countries&counterparts,
and any people rejected by God; and any& all nations who God calls Israel's enemies.)
***Jennifer also had her hymen sexually broken and is in Hollywood,and Los Angeles;California;
She is an" industry prostitute"
***This being the correct term.
***she is also in on this plot.
***she has  sons from men&you absolutely cannot be the woman from rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,queen,if you had any other man's son or sons.
***The Bible and the Torah are absolutely clear.
*** she is born in 1970;not 1971©,and her last name is Connelly,
***Not Lapointe.©(the davinci code)"the holy grail"©,"the Last name of Jesus's real wife is mine:Lapointe©
**Jennifer Connelly,
***She has No blood covenants&First.
***God could no sooner have chosen her than a hippopotamus on crack,
***or a wicked iris as a matter of absolute& not a pending fact.
***she is also from: new york:"catskill"
***Noone from "cats kill" allowed in Jesus's&my Love story!!! thanks though!©
***my God! SACRILEGE!&
***God also gave Egypt up as part of the ransom for Israel.
***symbolism is the appeal.©

Now before I tell you the rest of this,I need you to get what I just wrote.©

***I'll be back.©

© copyrighted Kimberly marie Lapointe,revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©
© Kimchirev12

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