Wednesday, November 19, 2014

The Odd Shaped Bulb

I couldn't understand why bother to even try?
The glass was broken from misuse so many times
almost wasn't anything left to glue back together
Couldn't figure out for the life of me why it should be salvaged,
It's value was depleted to "Not Worth The Hastle."
I would question why not put it out of it's misery?

It was unspokenly without any hope
Then an answer finally came,
The owner turned on a lamp with an odd shaped bulb,
He took out a case and asked me to take a look inside
So I arrogantly wondered what I would see in my pride,
In this case saw a sight I was not expecting.
All neat and in a row was an entire set of broken glasses,
Glued and put back together

He turned it so it only reflected this Light,
But here is the thing,
When lined up so precisely In this way,

All I was able to see was the glass sparkling from this reflecting Light,
It was dazzling and the flaws
Were hidden from sight.
© copyrighted Kimberly Marie Lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife.

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