Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Christmas Ambience | Blizzard Sounds | Crackling Fireplace | 4K ULTRA HD...&"ciberly speaking"

Christmas Ambience | Blizzard Sounds | Crackling Fireplace | 4K ULTRA HD...

*using ur pc's nightlight to watch this seems to give, better viewing experience.

*who gives a rat's ass about jacob blake,
*past what normal people get for attention when harmed.
&especially to have it take over life.
&placed above who Jesus and i,ever-eternally are.
*u,no-good goddamned african idolizing criminal, pigs.
*when it comes to u goddamned useless african people&their lovers,
*life stops!!!!OMG!!! when u get upset or hurt,

*the goddamned governments sit there in on this revelation 12 lotr plot,
&then have the freaking nerve to act like they can STAND IN JUDGEMENT& have allowed trump, to be in the white-house with no-real mentions,
*that matter about trump&his campaign,
*having done anything wrong.
*until he leaves the office!!!!
*i,say too late then on their part!!!!
in the first-place when my father:husband eternal,
*is not here.
*it is mine to judge!!!!
*they are trying to what, get out of being a part of that!!!! what,set-up!!!!on trump!!!!

*(in the first-place when my father:husband eternal,
*is not here.)

*u,sit there in judgement like u have any room to talk!!!!
*u,are all in on this revelation 12 lotr plot,
*stationed against who i,ever-eternally-am sealed in as trying to bury who i,ever-eternally am,

*u, look goddamned lu-tarded.

*who cares about jacob the way they act omg!!!!
he was a hoodlum!!!!in my eyes.
*let the dead bury their dead-💩.


*i,donot care about "justice" for the african- anymore.
*or the asian or arab.
*or the peurto rican
*or the russian or german,polish,mexican.
*india-indian or any spanish pigs.

*looks like the hypocrites of the american government leadeship were enjoying trumps'  luciferean governances&had the hots for melania&al of those women with trump!!!!
*until he left.
*that is called:2-faced.

*they were&are all in on this revelation 12 lotr perverted red-dragon plot that is stationed against who i,ever-eternally am,
*sealed in as and who i,ever-eternally am sealed in with,
*what do they think that this will not be brought,
*to the light very soon.
(it is already being shipped there.)
*they are all helping real immigrants who became citizens illegally:they donot qualify to be citizens,
*they are all helping these adulterously murderous traitorous perverted spies crimnal identity thieving jew-hating zonah;trying to legalize their wicked "new drug" machine:calling it legal to steal,commit every spying crime "ciberly speaking" hacking for starters...." against&to...."
*destroy who i,ever-eternally am and am sealed in and with: as traitourous spies!!!!

Shooting of Jacob Blake - Wikipedia

On August 23, 2020, Jacob S. Blake, a 29-year-old black man, was shot and seriously injured by police officer Rusten Sheskey in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Sheskey shot Blake in the back, firing seven times inflicting multiple wounds when Blake opened the driver's door to an SUV and leaned into it. Sheskey said that he believed he was about to be stabbed. Earlier during the encounter, Blake had been taser…

On August 23, Kenosha police responded to a 9-1-1 call about a "domestic incident" at approximately 5:11 PM. According to multiple official sources, the female caller referred to Blake as her "boyfriend", said he was not permitted to be on the premises, and that he'd taken her car keys and was refusing to give them back. Officers were also informed by the dispatcher that there was a "wanted" alert for someon…

  • Video shows police in Kenosha, Wisconsin, shooting Black ...

    Aug 25, 2020 · The man, identified by his family as Jacob Blake, 29, was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee, the Kenosha Police Department said in a statement. Blake's family has since ...

    • Author: Linda Givetash, Caroline Radnofsky,Elisha Fieldstadt
    • Estimated Reading Time: 8 mins
  • Exclusive: Jacob Blake a year later: 'I have not survived ...

    Aug 29, 2021 · Chicago (CNN)During the Fourth of July weekend, Jacob Blake says he called 911 over what he later realized was an anxiety attack.

  • Department of Justice declines to charge officer who shot ...

    Oct 08, 2021 · Blake, who was 29 at the time, survived the shooting. But at least one bullet tore through his spinal cord, leaving him paralyzed , his attorneys said days later. Jacob Blake is seen in the ...

    • Author: Victoria Albert


    F-i-ber op-t-ic-s is the technology used to transmit information as pulses of light through strands of fiber made of glass or plastic over long distances. Optical fibers are about the diameter of a strand of …

    *Definition of c-y-ber (Entry 1 of 2) : of, relating to, or involving computers or computer networks (such as the Internet) the cyber marketplace

    *nicole ann shanahan is not anyone that she,
    *or her wicked luciferean enterage'wants to ever even know about.
    *they are in a lu-loo-loo-looo-loo state of de-ni-le.

    *final answer.


    *she is in a luciferean state of criminally psychotic denial about who she is with my real father and husband eternal in the worst ways&with:jordan.
    *jordan only uses her to try&pay who i,ever-eternally am sealed in as back.
    *his revenge,is all that would be.

    1. de-ni-al
      1. refusal to satisfy a request or desire
      2. refusal to admit the truth or reality of something (such as a statement or charge) assertion that an allegation is false
        refusal to acknowledge a person or a thing : disavowal
      3. ...

    *let her take this thee way it is meant to be.
    *thee truth.
    *or her denial will ever run lu-loo-loo-loo-loo,

  • Earthquakes in Nas-hu-a, New H-a-m-p-s-h-i-re, United States - Most ...

    Nashua has had: (M1.5 or greater) 0 earthquakes in the past 24 hours. 0 earthquakes in the past 7 days. 0 earthquakes in the past 30 days. 4 earthquakes in the past 365 days.

  • *nashua new hampshire

  • *there is no-such thing as any:nicole ann shanahan,






    Earthquake Information for Nashua, New Hampshire. Nashua, NH has a low earthquake risk, with a total of 30 earthquakes since 1931. The USGS database shows that there is a 2.38% chance of a major earthquake within 50km of Nashua, NH within the next 50 years. The largest earthquake within 30 miles of Nashua, NH was a 3.1 Magnitude in 1999.

  • *nicole ann shanahan is not anyone that she,
    *or her wicked luciferean enterage'wants to ever even know about.
    *they are in a lu-loo-loo-looo-loo state of de-ni-le.

    *final answer.


    *she is in a luciferean state of criminally psychotic denial about who she is with my real father and husband eternal in the worst ways&with:jordan.
    *jordan only uses her to try&pay who i,ever-eternally am sealed in as back.
    *his revenge,is all that would be.

    1. de-ni-al
      1. refusal to satisfy a request or desire
      2. refusal to admit the truth or reality of something (such as a statement or charge) assertion that an allegation is false
        refusal to acknowledge a person or a thing : disavowal
      3. ...

    *let her take this thee way it is meant to be.
    *thee truth.
    *or her denial will ever run lu-loo-loo-loo-loo,

    The 1952 Sever-o-K-u-ri-l-s-k earthquake struck off the coast of the K-am-ch-a-t-k-a Pe-n-i-n-su-la. The 9.0 M w earthquake triggered a major tsunami that hit Severo-Kurilsk, Kuril Islands, Sa-k-h-a-l-i-n O-blast, Russian SFSR, USSR, on 4 November 1952 at 16:58 (UTC).
    Casualties: 2,336 dead
    Magnitude: 9.0 Mw
    Max. intensity: XI (Extreme)
    UTC time: 1952-11-04 16:58:30

  • Quake info: Light mag. 4.2 earthquake - North Pacific ...

    3 hours ago · Light mag. 4.2 earthquake - North Pacific Ocean, 212 km east of Severo-Kuril'sk, Sakhalin Oblast, Russia, on Wednesday, Nov 17, 2021 3:20 pm (GMT +11) -


    Oct 18, 2021 · Published October 18, 2021, 6:55 AM. by Xinhua. ADVERTISEMENT. NEW YORK — A 5.2-magnitude earthquake jolted 160 km S of Severo-Kuril’sk, Russia at 17:39:15 GMT on Sunday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The epicenter, with a depth of 35.0 km, was initially determined to be at 49.2389 degrees north latitude and 155.957 degrees east longitude.

  • M 4.8 - Kuril Islands -

    Oct 25, 2021 · The Earthquake 

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