Saturday, March 19, 2016

~My Rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dreams~©

~ 1st Rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue Dream: May 2004;
I was 33 years old at the time of these Dreams~©

~I was Standing on dirt in an old-fashioned white long-sleeved long length nightgown,
I had no socks or shoes on my feet,
I was looking straight ahead,
&I was surrounded by a mountain of dirt,
It was far enough away from me that the dirt wasn't touching me,
&In the dirt I saw:Garbage,dead bodies,
As I stood there,
 from above me I saw Yellow bird feet too Big to be a normal bird,
They absolutely were the Biggest Bird feet I had ever seen,
I knew from the size of the bird's feet that these were Symbolic;Supernatural bird's feet,
They were The feet of A Great~Eagle,
(They were Eagle"s Talons),
The Eagle got close to me above my head,
&Then He gently&Slowly picked me up by my shoulders,
&Lifted me out of that place of upset,&
&flew away with me~©

*~The mountain of dirt=what everyone is trying to Bury me rev.12 with;

*~The garbage=The Condemnation I am receiving;

*~The dead bodies=The souls of the luciferean wicked in on this plot that is on me

*~The worms=Hell;death

~The Second Dream:4 months later;September 2004~©

~The Second dream is as the First but this time the Great-Eagle Swooped down quickly and grabbed me,
&flew away with me~©

©~Emmanuel(Jesus Christ)
&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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~Ma-La-Kim~kim~la-m-me-la-kim~h-am-me-la-kim~b-am-me-la-kim~Ma-L'ki-s-hu-a~&GOOGKE WILL NOT:STOP:REMOVING(EDITING)ALTERING: JESUS'S AND MY REVELATION 12 LOT-RE-T-C HOLY&SACRED-BLOG POSTS!!!!.

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