Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Lousy Red-Dragon Asian Intelligence Not Too Smart

Since when do we allow Asian Intelligence in this country,
Even their relatives,
After Pearl Harbor why would anyone let a Red-Dragon Filipino false-prophet of paygon who is as Lu-Arrogant about herself with Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah as they come Into this country,
She Absolutely Admits to her father working for Filipino intelligence in the Philippines,
I want her and her family to be deported back to her own country,
Especially with Jesus Christ My Husband The Messiah on His way to me rev.12,
I am not joking,
&I know that those people are into martial arts in a bad way,
They are of Red-dragon Heritage.

&She supposedly had a dream she was on some mountain with Arabs;Muslims in some building???

****U have her testimony,
Now I want it as state"s evidence,
Prosecute her by her word,
&send her home with the warning to not ever again enter theses United States of America Shores ever again,
Or be sent to prison,
&people who marry American men or woman and have babies in America to get a free ride,power,
Aren't worthy of even an Honorable mention,
&also those who come here with their families just for the food,
Housing& to steal a snood,
So throw them out on their sing,sing girl,
Red-light District vagina.©

~&God has hit:The Red-dragon Philippines with another earthquake today~©

&Kimberly Marie Lapointe, rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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