Wednesday, March 23, 2016

black widow spider on my pillow

~ September 2008 :
There was a real Black Widow Spider on my pillow,
& then she was on my living room window,
I used hairspray on her,
&My flip-flop,
 first I got her all sticky,
So that she couldn't move toward me,
&try and kill me,
&My husband Jesus Christ The Messiah,

&then I smooshed her,
Before she could kill me,
&My husband Jesus Christ The Messiah~©

This really did happen to me,
****The Symbology of this is key.

~A window= A vision~

The symbolic of it is that I stop a wicked woman who is trying to murder me rev.12 by her LU-TRYING to be me rev.12,
&she thinks that she is SO SPECIAL to My Husbands Jesus Christ The Messiah&God,
not by real death do I Stop her,
But symbolically.
****she is a husband/man killer~©

&Kimberly Marie Lapointe,rev.12 Arwen&Aragorn:
Lord of the Rings~©

©~Em& ki rev.12 Great~Eagle Rescue,
& Tge Flood II~©
& Tge Ark II~©
& Tge Genesis II~©


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