Tuesday, March 10, 2015

" One of the songs that I wrote&is published©(I want it set to the music of ;"We are the world"

***Song that I wrote about& dedicated to Jesus Christ,my husband,with so much Love!©

There was a man
whose name was Abraham

Who God had chosen before,
The land of Israel Began;

He gave him a land,
A people and A Hope;
That one day; Would be sealed in the Blood of the Lamb!

***There are people dying,
Bombs flying through the air,&
launched missiles of a seemingly endless despair;   the countless stare of those without tender love n care,
from the onlooking glare so unfair,
 Going to that place of utter
***We are Zion;  God's chosen race,
***We are The children of Israel,so please,please keep on giving;

***We,are the ones God set apart from the very start
in His word,
from within His very heart!

***We are the ones who have been chosen,
Being now terrified and frozen,
***Terrified and tossed aside,
riding this tide of our enemies foolish pride!

***repeat chorus:
There are people dying,
Bombs flying through the air&
launched missiles of a seemingly endless despair;
  billowing from the countless stare of those without tender love n care,from the onlooking glare so unfair;
having gone to the place of utter disgrace!
***We are Zion,
God's chosen race;
***We are the children of Israel,so,please,please keep on giving.

***God made a solemn vow in the blood of 2 male cows;
To Forever Be One With Israel; His Everlasting Hun!

***The Vow Everlasting;
Will NOT ever be a passing on to a one;
***But His  Only Begotten Son!
***Holy&Beautiful is this Only One!
and for none to ever again shun!

***repeat chorus...

***And He,the only Begotten Son of The Father,
Calms the fears of those who have become full of fright on that very night;

***His Words forever,forever will be;
forever and all of absolutely every eternity;
for all of  every time,space,&movement;
you can trust and surely see;
clearly what is shown will foever&always Be.

***The Sword that was Broken will not forever Be
Spoken and in Broken!
It will Be made whole once more,&this not mere lore;
you'll see as a token of His Forever Loyalty that cannot ever sever the
Truth&Trust along with His Life of Sovereign Endeavor.
***The Messiah will Forever Reign And this to ingrain in our very beings not ever sleign!©

© copyrighted Kimberly marie Lapointe,revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,eternal.©
© Kimchirev12

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