Wednesday, March 4, 2015

I was recording the words that I had written, coming from the pages.©

I was writing songs; with my special gold pen that Jesus had given me for a gift;it has gold ink;
as I finished writing,
I was looking at the pages that I had been writing the songs on,

The words started rising up from the pages in gold bubbles,
I then took my video camera and recorded the words inside of the golden bubbles rising from the pages,
The bubbles were then filling the whole room,

***In through the gold bubbles walked Jesus into the room,
Jesus, was collecting all of the gold bubbles in a special book that He was holding,
It had a place in every page of this special book for every gold bubble,to be, it's own special place,to fit in,
Jesus then took a gold bubble stick in the shape of shape of a sword
 and put it to His lips,and started to blow gold bubbles from it.
Jesus reached down to His feet and picked up our baby boy and our gorgeous baby boy wanted to blow into the little golden sword bubble blower too,
So Jesus put it to his little mouth and he tried,I loved watching them do this,
Jesus had to help him blow
into the little golden sword.
(The bubbles donot break,they harden.)

© copyrighted Kimberly marie lapointe revelation 12.,Jesus Christ's wife,
© Kimchirev12

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