Monday, October 13, 2014

woman was cramming pencils into her purse,and the crow she did nurse.

woman was cramming,
A lot of pencils into her purse,
She also had ripped one of the pages from one of my and Jesus's writings away from the other writings, next,I see her writing, she is copying from the pages she had stolen into her own hand writing, , next I see her in a room,she  is in some kind of interrogation room, she had those  kind of lights on her, she  had been copying from the pages that she had stolen from Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife, and got caught,the pages were in front of her on the table,in red letters stamped on a folder it read,guilty as charged,
I was so angry that she had stolen from Jesus and I,I stared to cry, she was alone in the room  at that moment, she looked like she finished writing her confession,then she said,,"I know they will not know,I think I got it  down perfectly writing  it with pencil,That way it will look like the original",
I was so  angry,omgosh,
Next I see a vision of a past happening of her flash In my mind, her leaving pencils in different places that she goes to,
She was trying to make it look like she writes a lot, next,I see a weird sight,she is in bed and I can see her covers moving around and it looks like she is giving birth then she screams and she grabs  something from underneath her covers, then yanks it out ,I see it and it is was crow, it scared me for a second,then the crow hopped up onto her chest and it,she started to breastfeed it,I was grossed out,she started wrapping the crow in something she had grabbed off if her nightstand,I then could see it was Jesus and my writings, she had a whole stack of Jesus and my writings on her nightstand.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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