Monday, October 13, 2014

on pirpose so he could do this...

God, I, Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife,
Believe let my dad pass away,
So that he could do this to me without him knowing about what he is doing, God is, abusing me so bad, there are no words.
I love my step father too, but I can't tell him about, certain things,my dna father would lose his mind if he knew what God Is doing to me.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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~Ma-La-Kim~kim~la-m-me-la-kim~h-am-me-la-kim~b-am-me-la-kim~Ma-L'ki-s-hu-a~&GOOGKE WILL NOT:STOP:REMOVING(EDITING)ALTERING: JESUS'S AND MY REVELATION 12 LOT-RE-T-C HOLY&SACRED-BLOG POSTS!!!!.

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