Friday, October 10, 2014

the same goes for Jesus and been , the conduit, the guy in the band that miraculously has Jesus on him....

None other is more important than Jesus, and no man in this is allowed to ever be lifted above him, not ever, ben is special and he does not even receive dreams and visions,  no other men or women ever should unless to help us, and those dreams would not ever go against us or  tell others,supposed information about anything,I am Jesus's wife, and none can be lifted above me not ever, so if any others claim, they know anything or dream dreams or have visions, that try and make anyone seem like they are anything that I don't approve or know about then please know, that  that belial spirit is on them, deceiving them, and Jesus hates them for ever listening to it. Ben in the band, is also blood  in,  with Israel's blood covenant, and God cannot change this either.   Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12., Jesus Christ's wife.

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