Saturday, October 11, 2014

the same girl stealing...

That  evil girl who was on the mountain with that evil guy was snooping around an office that Jesus and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife,  that is in our castle, she was caught looking for a pen, she grabbed one of my pens, it writes with blue ink, Jesus and my name on it,I knew the gold pens were locked up in Jesus and my bedroom in a smaller floor safe, that girl she wanted the guy who had the dream about me to help her hurt me, she ed on my his phone and she said to her friend, meet me here at 10:00, by the gate, and I will continue to look for his number, she knew he is Asian and French, she wanted to pay him money she would try and get money from trying to tell people she is me, she wanted to sign a piece of paper copying my handwriting, but try and put her name on it, she had a plastic bag, the smaller kind, she wanted to take one of my blood covenants, and then put her name in the bag with it, then bring it to show people,I was watching her rummage through the drawers in my and Jesus's home den desk, she also wanted to write that Jesus and my things are hers, by stealing mine and Jesus's blood covenants,I was watching her but she could not see me, next, she took a gun from her bag, and layed it on the desk,I got nervous, and did not want her in Jesus and my home at all in the first place but now I was horrified,I knew she did not know where Jesus and my blood covenants were, but I was scared, she then said well if I cannot get those blood guarantees  I will just sign on the dotted line and she laughed to herself, then she found a piece of paper and took my pen and starting writing, she then put the paper in the plastic bag, she  then put my pen in her bag, she had sat at the desk, and now stood up, she then grabbed a handful of the candy in the bowl on the desk and put that in her bag too, the bag was leather looking red,lighter red,wrinkled, and creased, she took the plastic bag and she went into the hallway, she could hear others talking
,there are four floors in our castle, well she decided to run down the hall, and then she looked like she wanted to.just leave, so she did,I waited until I heard the castle door shut, and then went and made sure the door locked, yes, it did,I ran to everyone in the house, because she had a gun,I had not tried to stop her,I told on her and then I found out how she gained entrance into our home, my brother matt didn't know she didn't knew me, she lied and she , got let in.I told about her v little v wicked plan, not everyone in the world believes Jesus is himself, and that it is him on the earth, so that girl is like others trying to be Jesus and me, Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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