Sunday, October 5, 2014

something about wizard of oz.....

For years now  I.had even wrote in my older blog that I.was Dorothy except god is both the cowardly lion and the wizard, my mom when she was a little girl resembled her, just garland, so anyway,I would got the last years say I.was dorothy and I had a dream about having red shoes, in real life I did have red shoes....clues....Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus Christ wife...and at one point purple online made a Dorothy and wizard of oz banner ad at me, people were reading my blog, from MySpace, YouTube, Yahoo, charter communications, Google and they still are making banner ads at me, non stop every banner made is at me, Jesus and our story, God thinks this is no problem they have and still are allowed to torment me, non stop, not an exaggeration, God loves it,even perverted banner ads at God Jesus, and me.
nasty, death threats, and sexual.harassment one of the banner ads depicted god in an orgy up in heaven, it had blond women,  you could see their giant breasts part of them, and supposed god naked with then, the girls had looked like they had lotion across their chests like man's seed semen like but God had ejaculated  on these girls, so gross,I was crying, and God did not even do anything to then, that the bible says he had no choice but to do to them for this, they are likened to a pagan sex temple doing what they do.the photographers have sex with the girls who is thispose in the banner ads they have a ring going on each

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  ■ ~ISAIAH: 9:6~ ■ ~6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...