Sunday, October 5, 2014

on my birthday "fireworks on the moon" from Jesus for him and I, Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12...Jesus Christ's wife...(2004)

 it was my birthday, and because of I ,Kimberly Marie lapointe rev.12...Jesus Christs wife, standing on the moon, He,Jesus causes a fireworks display "on the moon", he did it for him too, so beautiful, our baby is one year old  at this point, our rev.12, baby.I remember that Jesus was do happy, the horror is gone.We sat outside and all gathered on our farm and Jesus with his power did a powerful display of small explosions lights bursting and beautiful colors, we could obviously hear no noise, but we could see and in wonder, Jesus then said to me,I thought you would like this,I said I love it, he then said to me, when you were in labor and you came over and stood next to me, and held onto to me for you were travaling  with our child,I in my mind  took pictures of you, and I made images of you in my mind, now I want you to.look up at the moon, and look intently, what do you see, so I then looked and after a second I gasped , he said, "kim ,I love you and I am thanking you for my son and for the pain you endured for us, so yes kim, that is,a hologram of the the real you, and you are so beautiful.",I started shaking and crying.I hugged Jesus with my whole heart and said I love you Jesus ,I love you Jesus, so much.I looked again and there I,kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12...Jesus Christ's wife, was on the moon in labor with Jesus's and pregnant woth our son,,my hair was moving, and I was holding my stomach and then I saw omg, I.saw me look like I was holding an invisible person,I knew Jesus told me i was holding him and then Jesus, materialized, and he was holding me on the moon.I was do freaked out and overjoyed.
**I could not believe that Jesus did a fireworks display on the moon with me standing on it with Jesus and of course I was pregnant, the fireworks were all around Jesus and I, as we stood holding eachother on the moon, he had his arms around me and my very pregnant belly,
the fireworks again were in honor of me,kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12...) Jesus Christ's wife....
standing on the moon and me,kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12....) Jesus Christ's wife also having Jesus's son from the bible(rev.12....)
I was so omgosh!!!! at this dream!!!

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