Sunday, October 5, 2014

married women especially pastor's wives....

Married women especially pastor's wives need to stop thinking they want their husband's dead, so they can be with Jesus in this way, not a joke, they want God or someone to murder their husband's and in some cases their children, so they in their heads can have Jesus in their beds, even if they became widows,I already told everyone that Jesus cannot ever and I mean ever have a divorced out widows woman, not ever, he is Jesus's Christ and he cannot ever be with any woman who was ever married in any way shape or form, or any woman who has a son, or any woman who ever had her hymen broken sexually by a guy, man or woman sexually.   So know those married women out there who think Jesus would ever ever even glance upon them ,they are adulterous in their hearts and detestable to Jesus Christ.     Absolutely..........                          
Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12... Jesus Christs wife.....
**** and please know hoping their husbands will cheat on them will not do it either,
a woman cannot ever divorce her husband ,biblically,there is no grounds for a woman
to ever divorce her husband, none, meaning,that once married ,only the husband
through moses, can seek a divorce, but not a pastor , not ever,
and God in His word did not ever permit a divorce, not ever,
moses is the one who gave permission but God did not want anyone ever to divorce,
and Jesus agreed with His Father,unless for 'immorality."
so please know those women who find out about this or already knoe and want their
husbands to go and cheat, she still has to biblically stay with him and I geiuss she doesnot know
if her husband is not a pastor than he can have biblical mistresses, yes, he can.
yes, a man if living as a Christian or a jew or a jewish/Christian has a biblical right unless
he is a pastor , he is allowed mistresses and more than one wife,yes,
this is absolutely biblically correct, not politically correct,
again ladies, if you have a husband and he is living a Christian and wants another wife, or woman
'on the side" a side dish!!! biblically he has the backing of Jesus and God according
to the bible and your best bet is to let him and donot get jealous, and since
this is not legal anywhere because ,man does things his own way, only 'one" wife can be on paper,
but that is fine, so the first wife, gets preeminensce over the rest of the woman, how many
women he can have is up to him, not you! he is the man of the house you live in ,
ladies need to not act al ljealous and unbecoming, nothing more attractive to your man than
you in control knowing you are not that  ok with him doing this, but you will come out
graceful in the end, and have his respect and if that little twity he wants acts jealous and threatens him
to get rid of you, keep your cool because if he tries this , he is now sinning!!!against you!!! and he  will be the one in trouble....
so please ladies stay calm and know this is biblical and correct, and you will see
your husband happier and you will seem more independent and more appealing to be with,
'Kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12...)
Jesus Christ's wife...

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  ■ ~ISAIAH: 9:6~ ■ ~6For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall...