Friday, October 10, 2014

John the revelator,saw me, Kimberly Marie lapointe, when he saw the, woman from revelation 12, Jesus's wife, in the bible,

John the revelator,saw me, Kimberly Marie lapointe, when he saw the, woman from revelation 12, Jesus's wife, in the bible, And John the revelator,knows that he saw a hebrew woman(me), this not optional, he also that I am absolutely caucasian, I know people think that one Noah's sons had an African wife, this is a lie, the bible is clear,there is no such thing as an African hebrew tribe of isreal,all 12,tribes are caucasian meaning absolutely hebrew , anything else are lies, that the Africans started  wanting the queen of sheba, etc.  to be African,  and in the bible days, there were no darkskinned people,not even  one in the world, Africans were only white skinned people, this is the absolute truth,ethiopians were caucasians, it came about later that God turned cursed people dark skinned, John the revalator had not ever seen a dark skinned person, neither had Jesus etc.,  
so please know that John and Jesus etc know that the woman from the bible, Absolutely is me,a Caucasian /Hebrew,me,kimberly marie  lapointe,rev.12.,(rev.12....) is Hebrew, meaning not any thing but caucasian,, God gave up Africa as a ransom for israel and couldnot have chosen against the blood covenant of israel, he would have to take his ransom back and since he can't break any blood covenant ever, that, he could only have chosen from the stock of israel, I am a descendant of Israel,is the absolute truth.Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12., Jesus Christ's wife, and am of the seed of Abraham.(and yes, God gave up all of Africa, seba, and Egypt as even Caucasian Africans are not Hebrew, jews, not  ever , no matter what they  say,and jews who are notBible believer's are not knowing that God gave up Africa, because they  only have 'The Torah",that is only the first 5 books of the Bible...(cush= Africa) (kush= Africa), in the bible days, Africa was called "cush"
and back then there were only 3 places for names on the continent of Africa,the names were "Africa= cush= Africa, seba and Egypt" it would be like the united states having only 3 states for the whole united states, but the 3 places(states) would be the whole united states, can you imagine how big one state would be, if the united states had only 3 states (names) and that is all for the united states,
so each state would be so huge!!! 3 territories would be more like within the united states..
***" iam not politically correct, iam Biblically correct." am I mean to any race,
because of their race???no!!! absolutely not!!!
***do I love people regardless, yes.  .'the bible tells me so...."
"Kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12....) Jesus Christ's wife...

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