Saturday, October 11, 2014

Jesus and I standing in empty parkinglot...

Dreaming, I am standing with Jesus in an empty parking lot, at the base of mountain, next  we are on a cliff, below us, there is the ocean, there is a cave, we go into the cave, in the cave it has glass windows on both sides, all the way through the cave , there are sea life behind allthe glass windows, as i walk I am very pregnant, Jesus now appears in front of me,He had been next to me,, he takes my hand, and points to the glass, he then says, the word, "color", and then sea animals, turn, "neon", so many beautiful neon colors, so many, colors, Jesus then shows me to a bed in the cave, he holds me to it, and he helps me onto the bed, there is a bed on the floor, made of straw and blankets,
and he lays on me, and we make love, when he is finished, we leave the cave , Jesus walks me over to the parkinging lot, he then speaks to the pavement, and it starts to break up, getting smashed into pieces, he tells me to speak to it and I say what he says, the pavement again breaks up,next we  are on the cliff , looking over the side, rocks below, and Pretty sea spray, Jesus and I had taken some  of the pieces of the pavement with us, and then Jesus took a piece, he then buries the pieces of pavement, and I help him, next Jesus and I hear a celebration going on, Jesus walks faster an gets angrier and angrier, as we go down off the mountain,we aee a huge party going on, we get to the place st the base of the mountain in the empty parking lot  are a lot of people  thrying trying to relay tar, over where Jesus broke it up and had me help him, there is a girl they are searching for, she has taken off and up the mountain with the help of one of the guys, he ran up after her,  and Jesus looks so much angrier that she took off from the group,  they said she took my old  cell phone with her,   She was using my pictures and videos to get up the mountain, they said she wanted to video tape, what she sees up their too,,I knew at that moment , Jesus would allow her to get caught he would use the video she  took to prove, she had been up the mountain, andJesus then, pointed up, and we see a bird again it looked to be the holy spirit,"a dove", but it,when Jesus spoke he,"the dove" turned green, then Jesus again spoke and the dove, turned into a crow, next Jesus spoke to  the mountain and it starts to  shake bad, someone told Jesus and I that my shawl that Jesus had on and had placed on a rock, in the cave, recently, was around the guys neck like Jesus wears it, that guy stole it, that guy got into the cave recently, and he told others he was given a special mail kind of what he called a "treasure map" to get info about the cave, Jesus was not ok,that guy got info. from betrayal,
 and the mountain was shaking, badly,I looked up and I saw that something was falling off the mountain,omg, it was the girl, she was falling and screaming headlong into the pavement,I turned away as did others, she hit the ground and then I heard Jesus say something, and I thought it safe to  look, she hit the pavement headfirst, she was dead, as I looked she reappeared to turn into a kind of Dragon, then a hole opened up in the ground , smelly smoke rose up, I knew was coming out of it,billowing out of it,and Jesus standing near , he shoved her in the hole, i realized her soul was the Dragon, and then the guy who had followed her up the mountain that had stolen Jesus's shall that I had given to him, was laughing and along toward Jesus, he got right in front of Jesus and took the shall off and dropped it at Jesus's feet, he(the wicked guy) then, turned around and as he did,I saw crow feathers on his shoulder, he went over to the hole that was smoking and just jumped into it feet first,,I was distracted by a noise and I looked up and the dove/crow bird was coming nearer to us, and in his mouth was my old cell phone, he let it drop from his beak,it landed near my feet,I picked it up and squeezed it with love, my miraculous blood and  other miraculous pictures,written dreams etc are in it,videos etc. That bird, flew toward the hole and before that, I realized, it as wet tar on him, the others who had been partying had a huge bronz looked like a sun they are dancing and playing loud music I look and see "spiritledd Ray foster",holding a bronze horn,blowing it, I knew bronze is wicked,i then see Jesus with a" shofar" a real rabbis horn and it is gold, Jesus puts it in his mouth, and blows it, within seconds,i see in the sky, angels appear, and they are carrying
containers, they start pouring whatever is inside all over the people, next, Jesus and I,kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12...) Jesus's wife, are back.on the mountain top,i can see, below and I see fire so much fire and heard,screaming, terrible screaming, from below.,.Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12.Jesus's wife...

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