Saturday, October 11, 2014

I birth our merbaby...

In real time,I have a miraculous picture of Jesus and my merbaby. I have shown people,I Errol put it on here soon. The dream... be back in a few, need a snack break...Dream,
I, Kimberly Marie lapointe.rev.12.Jesus's wife, I am in Jesus and  my bathtub having our baby, Jesus pours over a cup of salt into the water, he helps me have our baby,i am in pain, I keep saying she is stuck and I meep crying , Jesus decides to get into the tub with me, he has to try and help her come out of me,i know it hurts so much, Jesus is pushing on my stomach, a little pressure,i scream and he hugs me, he leans over and hugs me, I tell him, he needs to  get her out of me, Jesus reaches down between my legs and puts his fines in there, sms starts help her come out of me, he keeps on doing this,
One of the times,I scream so badly that I knew Jesus was not ok, then finally, she,our baby comes out with her little legs rolled into a  little tiny fin,hers,, Jesus wipes her and then wraps her up ,we have to hurry,I realize people are after us, Jesus then takes our little roaster pan,puts a little pillow in it, and then a blanket with a little linkng,places that over a layer of cotton, then he placed our baby into the pan,I am getting up and bring dressed, someone comes to our house to get us discreetly, it is dark outside, Jesus then puts the cover on the pan, it had a steam hole on the top, like a whale hole, Jesus grabs bags, and the guy grabs suitcases and I grab the baby's belongings, I have her binky is in my mouth, we then quietly leave, walking very quickly to the guys vehicle, it is a camper, it has from what I can see everything we need to get to where we are going.people are after us for having a merbaby.Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12, Jesus Christ's wife.

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