Monday, October 6, 2014

God told me there would be a biblical plot on me, two dreams and one time,I just spoke a word of knowledge from god...

I Kimberly Marie lapointe, rev.12...Jesus Christ's wife, was told by God that there would be two biblical plots on me, in this lifetime, i even told the guy who started this plot, that if he did  what he was going to do to me or had our already doneto me that he would be starting a plot on me and he did do that to me , what I told him he should not do, he thought it was fun with his, wicked friends I  went down to 94 lbs. And almost died, him and his friends almost murdered me, not a lie....    Kimberly Marie lapointe rev.12....Jesus's wife.....

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   &charlotte:the wanna-be princess!!!! * also looks ,like:"the devil's baby!!!!" &~yes,she most:certainly does!!!!~ &...