Saturday, October 11, 2014

from inside the closets...

There is something coming from the hall closet, it is all pastel colors, it moves all over the v place, it looks like the old fuzziness you get from a t.v.that had no antennae,it is even just in the air,I can see it with my naked eyes is coming from inside the closets,I live in a 100 year old apartment, this thing moves, along walls, is on furniture and it literally shrinks back if I tell it to, it even gets on me,it looks like on the matrix and on willie wonka, when the boy in the white suit billy,I think is his name gets sucked into v the airwaves up above his mother's head,it is all fuzzy, this is real though. Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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