Wednesday, October 8, 2014

DREAM:"Jesus and i getting burgers...."

short dream:(2008)
"Jesus and I,kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12...),Jesus Cjrist's wife,
 getting a burger,fries, and drinks, we then sat down and ate
 at the place where we ordered it from...."
I went into the bathroom and wet papertowels and then put soap on them from the soap dispenser,
then I came back out and wiped our table,and then i and dried the table too,
I also  remember I was giving him, bbq-sauce to dunk his fries in,and to put on his burger too,
we both got the 'cheddar onion" burger with extra onions w/mayonnaise and lettuce
and I got him& i  a chocolate shake,."
'Kimberly marie lapointe(rev.12....)
Jesus Christ's wife....


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