Tuesday, October 7, 2014

astrology has nothing to do with revelation 12...

In the bible,it says a great sign appears in the sky,here is th sign ready,   a woman, there it is, it is symbolic, and some astrology is against the bible and God clearly is against the use of it in scriptures,when he was still righteous,so please know,revetion 12,has nothing to do with,revelation 12, next, I aapear and I am standing on the moon,to stand on the moon has two different meanings,but they go tigether,one is to be on the moon,there isno higher place a woman can be lifted to,jesusy wife is what this is,next to stand on the moon is to defeat it,Nd ti cknquer it,the first meaning is for the first meaning it is two fold,when god became wicked there ce with that two fold meanings,so to first to be lifted up to the moon is Jesus's wife ther is no higher place to be lifted,and the next to stand as I wrote to stand on it is also to defeat the underworld,so.please know,that,there is not another person who ever knew they are this woman but me, Kimberly Marie lapointe,rev.12...Jesus's wife, and who knows what the symbism is for this in the bible,god made sure of this,he made sure to.let the woman from rev.12,me,know every detsil first and only,  until I started teaching it,now if anyone knows about this it is because they heard it from me or from someone who.heard it from me or from slmeone who heard it frkm someone who heard it from people wgo jeard.it from me, in other words I know it becsuse I am this woman,revelation 12, Jesus's wife,I know the entire meaning.

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