Monday, October 13, 2014

alien incarnated me, gave me another crown, told me, there is no other.

Dream in my  old apartment,
I  was in the bath tub, had an orangish red sticker stuck to me,
On my stomach right near where my  ovary is,my white tank shirt disappeared, me :  tub, I took the sticker off of my stomach, and put placed it on the tub, had tiny little scabs on the front and back of me, like shootings put needles into me,(the redish /orange,sticker disappeared from off of the tub, it vanished, fro real!!! I looked and it was absolutely gone,
In my neighbors living room, I knew someone came into room, behind me,I looked noone I could see there, as I sat there I saw a white glowy figure, sits near me, then it literally got inside of me,
It matches its eyes inside of me , with mine,I got a little creaped out, next I am in some kind of place and I am standing, there,  others are there, Lauren too , she is padme, for real,  Jesus,she and I are presented with more crowns, our dresses are beautiful, there is more, Jesus is with this other creature, outerspace, palace, Jesus hugs me and  then the creature,being,places the crown on my head and then another creature places  Jesus's and Laurens crowns on their heads, I then hugJesus too,Next, we are in a space ship, going to a city, "somewhere,out there",
I am told, we are also senators.
Jesus,I, and lauren, are given a meal it is orange chicken with red hot chile pepper,we are told to devour it,
So we did.
Kimberly Marie lapointe revelation 12.Jesus Christ's wife.

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~ru"~(Ru)&RU).=Ruth II.~

  ■~"ru"ACCORDING TO:THEE-HEBREW-SCRIPTURES ="RUTH.~              ~7-3-07 ru-a-ch~ Strong's Concordance ru-a-ch: breath, ...