*~"s"=Savior & seh=Lamb in:Hebrew~
&"seh"se-h also="Lamb-Husband"&"selene-husband, *and holy-grail"~
la-k·ki-s·s锚-h — 2 Occurrences
1 King-s 10:19
HE-B: 砖ֵׁ֧砖ׁ 诪ַ注ֲ诇֣讜ֹ转 诇ַ讻ִּ住ֵּ֗讛 讜ְ专ֹ讗砖ׁ־ 注ָ讙ֹ֤诇
NA-S: steps to the throne and a round
KJV: The throne had six steps,
I-NT: six steps to the throne top round
1 King-s 10:19
HE-B: 讜ְ专ֹ讗砖ׁ־ 注ָ讙ֹ֤诇 诇ַ讻ִּ住ֵּ讛֙ 诪ֵ讗ַֽ讞ֲ专ָ֔讬讜 讜ְ讬ָ讚ֹ֛转
NA-S: top to the throne at its rear,
KJ-V: and the top of the throne [was] round
I-NT: top round to the throne rear and arms
*~"s"=Savior & seh=Lamb in:Hebrew~
&"se-h" also="Lamb-Husband"&"selene-husband, *and holy-grail"~
la-k·ki-s·s锚 —
2 Ch-ro-n-ic-l'-es 9:18
HE-B: 讜ְ砖ֵׁ֣砖ׁ 诪ַ注ֲ诇֣讜ֹ转 诇ַ֠讻ִּ住ֵּ讗 讜ְ讻ֶ֨讘ֶ砖ׁ 讘ַּ讝ָּ讛ָ֤讘
NA-S: steps to the throne and a footstool
KJ-V: steps to the throne, with a footstool
I-NT: six steps to the throne footstool gold
ha-k·ki-s·s锚 — 7 Occurrences
Ge-ne-sis 41:40
HE-B: 注ַ诪ִּ֑讬 专ַ֥拽 讛ַ讻ִּ住ֵּ֖讗 讗ֶ讙ְ讚ַּ֥诇 诪ִ诪ֶּֽ讱ָּ׃
NA-S: only in the throne I will be greater
KJ-V: be ruled: only in the throne will I be greater
I-NT: my people in the throne will be greater than
Judge-s 3:20
HE-B: 讜ַ讬ָּ֖拽ָ诐 诪ֵ注ַ֥诇 讛ַ讻ִּ住ֵּֽ讗׃
NA-S: for you. And he a-rose from his seat.
KJ-V: unto thee. And he a-rose out of [his] seat.
I-NT: a-rose from his seat
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