Tuesday, May 28, 2024

~13-82. do-kim-é~(the process or result of) trial, proving, approval Usage: a trial, proof; tried, approved character. ~13-83. do-kim-io-n~Usage: a test, trial, what is genuine.~ ~13-84. do-kim-os~Usage: approved, acceptable, tried.~



                         ~13-82. do-kim-é~

Strong's Concordance
do-ki-mé: (the process or result of)


 proving, approval

Original Word: δο-κι-μή, ῆ-ς, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: do-kim-é,(do-ki-mé)
Phonetic Spelling: (do-k'-ee-may')
Definition: (the process or result of) trial, proving, approval
Usage: a trial, proof; tried, approved character.

                        ~13-83. do-kim-io-n~

Strong's Concordance
do-kim-io-n: a testing

Original Word: δο-κί-μ-ιο-ν, ου, τ'-ό
Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: do-kim-io-n
Phonetic Spelling: (do-kim'-ee-on)
Definition: a testing
Usage: a test, trial, what is genuine.

               ~13-84. do-kim-os~

Strong's Concordance
do-kim-os: tested, approved

Original Word: δό-κι-μ-ο-ς, ον
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: do-kim-os
Phonetic Spelling: (do-k'-ee-mos)
Definition: tested, approved
Usage: approved, acceptable, tried.


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                       ~7839. s-ha-ch-a-ruth~ Strong's Concordance s-ha-ch-a-ruth: blackness Original Word:  שַׁחֲרוּת Part of Speech:  ...