Thursday, September 1, 2022

~20 days~ There are 20 days from: September 1, 2022 to September 22, 2022~FINAL-ANSWER:SEALED-ETERNALLY-IN.~ ~5-51-0. chi'ón~ *(chi'ón)(c'h'ió'n)~snow~~5-5(07.)*~And:God even made sure to: &include:"thee-ber"with:"thee-kim" &'thee-"c'u "cum" *to:make sure that,there is:no-confusing;the'ki"anagram for:any-other:"k"names.~ *~AND:FINAL-ANSWERS~ ARE:ETERNALLY-SEALED-IN.~ chi'l'io'i~(k' h' i'l'-ee-o'y')~a thousand.~

 ~Candice Night - Call It Love (2011 Official Video)~

~20 days~ 

*There are 20 days from:September 1, 2022 to September 22, 2022~


              ~5-5(07.) chi'l'io'i~

Strong's Concordance

chi'l'io'i:a thousand

Original Word: χ'ίλ'ιο'ι, α'ι, α

Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (k' h' i'l'-ee-o'y')
Definition:a thousand
Usage:a thousand.

                                      ~5-5(21.) c'ho'lé~

Strong's Concordance
c'ho'lé: gall (a bitter herb)

Original Word: χο'λή, ῆ'ς, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: c'ho'lé
Phonetic Spelling:(k' ho' la 'y')

(k' ho 'l-ay')
Definition: gall (a bitter herb)
Usage: gall, bitter herbs.

                                              ~20. ab'a'tt'ic'h~


Strong's Concordance
ab'a'tt'ic'h(a'bat't'ic'h): water'mel'o'n

Original Word: אֲבַטִּיחַ
Part of Speech: Noun 
Transliteration: ab'a'tt'ic'h(a'bat't'ic'h)
Phonetic Spelling: (ab-a't-t'ee'-a'k'h)
Definition: water'mel'o'n


                                                       ~19. i'b'ch'a'h~

Strong's Concordance
i'b'ch'a'h: slaughter

Original Word: אִבְחָה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: i'b'ch'a'h
Phonetic Spelling: (i'b-kh'a'w')
Definition: s'la'u'g'h't'e'r

                                                ~16. e'be'h~


Strong's Concordance
e'be'h(e'b'e'h):reed, pap'y'r'us

Original Word: אֵבֶה
Part of Speech: Noun 
Transliteration: e'be'h(e'b'e'h)
Phonetic Spelling:(a'y-be'h')(a'y-b'e'h')
Definition:re'e'd, pap'y'ru's


                                   ~15. ab'e'h~

Strong's Concordance
ab'e'h: desire

Original Word: אָבֶה
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: ab'e'h
Phonetic Spelling:(a'w-be'h')(aw-b'e'h')
Definition: d'e'sire

                                                 ~1(4.) ab'ah~


Strong's Concordance
abah(a'ba'h): to be willing, to consent

Original Word: אָבָה
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: abah(a'ba'h)
Phonetic Spelling:
(a'w-ba'w') (a'w-b'a'w')

Definition: to be willing, to consent

                                      ~5-5(20.) c'ho'la'ó~

Strong's Concordance
c'ho'la'ó: to be melancholy, mad, 


Original Word: χο-λ'άω
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: c'ho'la'ó
Phonetic Spelling: (k' ho' la' h'o)
Definition: to be me'la'n'c'ho'l'y(
mel'an'c'ho'l'y)(me'la'n'c'ho'l'y)(mel'a'n'c'holy), mad, angry

Usage: I am angry with.

~5-54-0. ch'ré'sis~

Strong's Concordance

ch'ré'sis: use (as in a sexual sense)

Original Word: χ'ρῆ'σι'ς, εως, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine

Transliteration: ch'ré'sis

Phonetic Spelling: (k'h'ray'-sis)

Definition: use (as in a sexual sense)

Usage: use, manner of use.

                                           ~5-51-8. c'ho'i'n'ix~

Strong's Concordance

c'ho'i'n’ix: a c'ho'e'n'ix (a dry measure of less than a quart)

Original Word: χο'ῖν'ιξ, ικ'ος, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: c'ho'i'n'ix
Phonetic Spelling: (k' ho'y'-n'ix)
Definition: a c'ho'en'ix(a dry measure)
Usage: a Greek dry measure, equivalent to 1.9-2 p'i'nt's.

                                            ~5-51-7. c'ho'ik'os~

Strong's Concordance
c'ho'ik'os: earthy, made of dust

Original Word: χο'ϊκ'ός, ή, όν

Part of Speech: Adjective

Transliteration: c'ho'ik'os

Phonetic Spelling: (k'ho-ik-os')

Definition: earthy, made of dust

Usage: earthy, made of earth.

*adam was made of:the dust of the earth.

*Jesus Christ:thee-Hebrew Messiah:Emmanuel:Aragorn II. is:Adam II and: I,am:made from:And By:Him too.'


                      ~5-51-5. c'h'ló'ro's~

Strong's Concordance
ch'ló'ro's: pale green, pale

Original Word: χλ'ωρ'ός, ά, όν

Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: c'h'ló'r'os
Phonetic Spelling: (k'h'lo-r'os')
Definition: p'ale green, pale
Usage: green, pa'le green.


7'5'7. Ar'ki~

Strong's Concordance
Ar'ki: a native of a place in Palestine

Original Word: אַרְכִּי

Part of Speech: Ad'je'c't'iv'e
Transliteration: Ar'ki
Phonetic Spelling: (ar-k'ee')
Definition: a native of a place in Palestine

           ~5-51-4. C'h'lo'é a p'ri'm. word~

Strong's Concordance
C'h'lo'é a prim. word: C'h'lo'e.

Original Word: Χ'λό'η,η'ς, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: C'h'lo'é a prim. word
Phonetic Spelling: (k'h'lo'-ay)
Definition: C'h'lo'e
Usage: C'h'lo'e

             ~5-51-1. c'h'la'm'us~

Strong's Concordance
c'h'la'm'us: a c'h'la'my's or short 


Original Word: χ'λα'μ'ύ'ς, ύ'δο'ς, ἡ
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: c'h'la'm'us
Phonetic Spelling: (k'h'la'm-oo'c'e')
Definition: a c'h'la'my's or short c'lo'a'k
Usage: a short c'loak

                        ~5-51-0. chi'ón~


Strong's Concordance
chión: snow



Original Word: χ'ιώ'ν, όν'ος, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: chi'ón

Phonetic Spelling: (k'h' ee-one')
Definition: snow
Usage: s'now.

                     ~5-5-09. chi't'ón~

Strong's Concordance
chi't'ón: a tunic

Original Word: χι'τώ'ν, ῶ'ν'ος, ὁ

Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: chi't'ó'n
Phonetic Spelling: (kh' ee-t'one')
Definition: a tu'n'ic
Usage: a tu'n'ic, garment, undergarment.



Strong's Concordance
Chios: Chios, an island in the Aegean 




Original Word: Χ'ίο'ς, ου, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine

Phonetic Spelling: (kh' ee'-os)
Ch'io's), an island in the Ae'g'ea'n S'ea

Usage: Ch'io's(Chi'os) (modern S'c'io)

                  ~5-5(07.) chi'l'io'i~

Strong's Concordance

chi'l'io'i:a thousand

Original Word: χ'ίλ'ιο'ι, α'ι, α

Part of Speech: Adjective
Phonetic Spelling: (k' h' i'l'-ee-o'y')
Definition:a thousand
Usage:a thousand.




*~And:God even made sure to: *include:"thee-"ber"with:"thee-"kim"


*to:make sure that,there is no-confusing;thee-"ki"anagram"confirmations as: for: *being:any-other:"k"names.~

Strong's Hebrew #4-4(12)


Englishman's Concordance 


~kim·lūnā'h~ — 1 Occurrence

I'sa'ia'h 1:8
H-E'B: כְּסֻכָּ֣ה בְכָ֑רֶם כִּמְלוּנָ֥ה בְמִקְשָׁ֖ה כְּעִ֥יר
NA-S: in a vineyard, Like a watchman's hu't in a c'u'cum'ber f'ie'l'd,
KJ-V: in a vineyard, as a lodge in a garden of c'u'cum'ber-s,
I-NT: A shelter A vineyard A watchman's A cu'cum'ber city

*~And:God even made sure to: &include:"thee-ber"with:"thee-kim"

&'thee-"c'u "cum"

*to:make sure that,there is:no-confusing;the'ki"anagram for:any-other:"k"names.~


            ~5-5(06.) chi'l'i'ar'c'ho's~


Strong's Concordance
chi'l'i'ar'c'ho's: a chi'l'i'ar'ch, a 

commander of a thousand

Original Word: χ'ιλ'ία'ρ'χ'ος, ου, ὁ

Part of Speech: Noun
Transliteration: chi'l'i'ar'c'h'os
Phonetic Spelling: (k'h'il-ee'-ar-k'ho's)
Definition: a chi'l'i'ar'ch, a commander of a thousand
Usage: a commander of a thousand men, 

a military t'ri'b'un'e(t'ri'b'u'ne.).

                  ~5-5-05. chi'l'ia's~

Strong's Concordance
~chi'l'ia's: one thousand~

Original Word: χ'ιλ'ιά'ς, άδ'ος, ἡ

Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: chi'l'ia's
Phonetic Spelling:(k'h' i' l-ee-a' s')

*(k'h' i' le-ea' s')
Definition: one thousand
Usage: a thousand, 

*the number one thousand.

H'E'L'P-S Word-studies

Co'g'na't'e: 5-5-05 xi'l'iá's (a feminine noun derived from 5-5-07 /x'í'l'io'i, "one thousand") – literally, "a thousand"; the cube of 10 (10'3); also used figuratively to express absolute *(ALL)inclusiveness (complete totality). See 5-5-07 (x'i'l'io'i).

         ~21-8-(5.) e'p'h'ik'ne'o'ma'i~

Strong's Concordance
e'p'h'ik'ne'o'ma'i: to arrive upon, i.e. 



Original Word: ἐφ'ικ'ν'έ'ο'μα'ι

Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: e'p'hi'k'ne'o'ma'i
Phonetic Spelling:(e'f-ik-ne'h'-om-a'h' ee)(e'f-ik-ne'h'-o-ma'h' ee)
Definition: to arrive upon, to reach
Usage: I come to, reach as far as.

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