Saturday, August 1, 2020

GRAB THOSE NO.GOOD TERRROISTS:google has wrecked my revelation 12 lotr

"kimchi"REV.12 LOTR ETC.🛫 Kimberly Marie(MARY) Lapointe-HANSON(1971)Ma "To those who act as agents of chaos, I say this: I stand resolute and unyielding. And if you strike my voice down, know that a chorus of thousands shall rise up in its place, for you have no dominion over the righteous. We are the defenders of truth." ―Padmé Amidala Naberrie[src] A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED. 🛫 🛫🛫A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED. A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED. 🛫A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED. *AND:I AM:"L'IRIS" A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED.  la Rose.(fleurira la Rose)(quand fleurira la Rose) A SEXUALLY-BROKEN HYMEN IS NOT ALLOWED. *I AM THE ROSE SPOKEN OF IN THE REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.PROPHECIES&GOD MADE A MIRACULOUS PICTURE OF MY SELF IN THIS ROSE. *I AM REPRESNTED BY:THE ROSE. *I AM LIKENED UNTO:MARY MAGDELENE. Earthquakes Ciburial..."*NO.TO ANY:CHRIST IRIS BURIAL IRIS NOAH DOOR NOAH EVE II SION:SAVIOUR IRIS OMEGA NOAH ALPHA:*GOD TOLD U THAT I AM NOT DEAD, *AND THAT I WILL NOT EVER BE DEAD AS WHO IAM ETERNALLY SEALED IN AS. *TIMES EVERY DIRECTION AND EVERY PLACE. *TIMES INFINITY. GOOGLE IS TRYNG TO LU-LOO-LOU BURY WHO IAM FOR  A LUCIFEREAN REPLACEMENT COUPLE. THEY ARE NOT ANYONE THAT THIS IS ABOUT...."IN ANY WAY THAT THEY EVER WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT Hanson - Thinking of you  Exodus 20:14 Context 11For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it. 12Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee. 13Thou shalt not kill. 14Thou shalt not commit adultery. 15Thou shalt not steal. 16Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour. 17Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's. 17 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am [a]Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. 2 And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” 3 Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying: 4 “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of [b]many nations. 5 No longer shall your name be called [c]Abram, but your name shall be [d]Abraham; for I have made you a father of [e]many nations. 6 I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you. 7 And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. 8 Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in[f] which you are a stranger, all the land of ISRAEL an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.” Hanson - Thinking of you  Hanson - Thinking of you  Rescue, CA Earthquakes | Homefacts Rescue, CA has a moderate earthquake risk, with a total of 8 earthquakes since 1931. The USGS database shows that there is a 26.89% chance of a major earthquake within 50km of Rescue, CA within the next 50 years. The largest earthquake within 30 miles of Rescue, CA was a 2.8 Magnitude in 2002. GOOGLE IS BLOCKING WHO IAM FROM GETTING MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.PICTURES. THEY REMOVED THE ICONS FOR WHO I AM TO GET ACCESS TO MY PICTURES. &THEY JUST RREIED TO GIVE WHO IAM A COMPUTER VIRUS. I AM CALLING THE POLICE AGAIN. THEY ALSO REMOVED MY ABILITY TO ENLARGE MY WORDS AND COLOR CODE THEM...." GOOGLE LOCKED WHO IAM OUT OF MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.BLOG BY BOOTING WHO IAM OFF TO THE SIGN IN PAGE. THE YHAVE RIGGED THIS NEW BLOGGER PREFACE SO THAT I GET BOOTED OFF OF ANYTHING THAT I NEED TO BE DOING. LIKE EDITING,POSTING PICTURES,POSTING A NEW POST FROM A CERTAIN PAGE. THEY ARE MUGGING WHO IAM FOR MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.POSSESSIONS:MY STORY FOR REAL. I AM SCREAMING MY BRAINS OUT IN TERROr, TORMENT. I JUST EMAILED TEH OKLAHOMA POLICE CHIEF,LAWYERS,JUDGES,CNN,ETC..." AND MY HUSBAND JORDAN TAYLOR HANSON ETC.."''\\on the sign in page there is a picture of a white girl holding a little boy laughing that looks like a white nicole. &her firend. *i am that girl not nicole. she is toast&god said that about who she is. they think that i cannot display my revelation 12 lotr etc.somewhere else. yah ok. i just screamed into john hagee's phone machine sooo badly!!!! i was screamoing in terror!!!in horror!!and i am really am what this is all about!!! they are stealing,stripping who iam of my rights!!!!my freedom of religion.the press,expression and speeach..." they have now cencored who iam to the point of a nervous breakdown. google has put a code red on themselves&god. &they are correct. *google i just found out was acting like they are not wanting the government in this &well,since they are who this is about in their psychotic brains then they donot have to obey them at all &god will protect who they are. *say!!!what!!! *God is making moire of the revelation 12 lotr etc.signs,wonders,and miracles right now ans He is pourin gforth more of the hebrew everlating marriage blood covenansts. *god keeps on telling google that they are no.suvh thing as who anything id about in any way that they would everwant to know about. the yare seriously acting like teh government needs to back-off of who the yare!!! THE YARE NOT HAVING WHO IAMS PROBLEM,IAM THE ONLY ONE WHO IS ALLOWED TO DO THIS BUT FOR A ALL TOGETHER A DIFFEREN BUNCH OF REASON. I AM RIGHTEOUS!! AND HOLY!!!I WANT WHAT IS GOOD!!!NOT WHAT IS OF THE LUCIFEREAN MISUNDERSTOOD'S HOOD. THEY ARE SERIOUSLY PSYCHOTIC. GOD HAS TOLD WHO THEY ARE NORE THAN ANYONE ELSE NOT TO BE ACTING LIKE THAT!!! HE TELLS WHO THYE ARE NO.MORE THAN ANYONE ELSE ON IN THIS WHOLE GALAXY!!! GET THEM AWAY FROM WHO IAM. GOOGLE HAS A NERVE EVER TO THINK THAT GOD IS NOT ONLY WITH WHO THEY ARE BUT THAT HE WOULD EVER PROTECT WHO THEY ARE FOR REAL. NO.HE IS NOT&NO.HE WILL NOT EVER PROTECT WHO THEY ARE. THEY ARE STILL BLOCKING WHO IAM FROM PUTTING MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.COPYRIGHTED CONFIRMATION PICTURES ON MY REVEALTION 12 LOTR ETC.BLOG. *THEY ARE NUMBERING EACH LINE THAT I QWRITE ACTING LIKE THR HEBREW SCRIPTURES DONOT CONFIRMA THAT EVERYTHING CAN ONLY BE AT THE ENEMY. looks like the chinese governmemnt had nicole their spy marry that russian spy family of sergey' brin's:luican's. *i need a government person to make who iam a blog to insult these pigs. &others can make who iam one too. i need it along the same design as the one i just had. i need all of my revelation 12 lotr nicole is a spy for reali just know that she is&sergey is too. goolge is. amanda is. they are all what that is about. they have infiltrated my whole phones,my emails,my whole life. for real. they hack everything and i mean this. well,these are spies. i am the first-female president of the united states to ever exist!!! they are into all of my things~!!!! they are trying to overthrow who iam. they are trying t o block who iam from detrimental files of mine in this. i mean this!!!! i want the pentagon to grab these terrorists right now!!! rits of habeus corpus!!! yup. they are a real ring of what this is about. to some they seem just new age weird idiots!!!! butt hey are mind-control sex cult perverts with a wicked ittle agenda to infiltrate the government &everyone;s home computers &devices while they snow teh government with their projects!!!! nasa!!!hmmmm!!! they look like not much right they are all of our worst enemies nations at google&there are many of them..u had beeter heed my words!!! they are highly trained smoozers!!!! are u that dingy!! they are all acting like they are in!!!!with our government to the point of already trying, to tale over with their foreign writings when u search for things!!! what the hell&when they translate it how the hell do u know what it really reads about!!! why do u trust who they are at all!!!! i am revelation 12 lotr etc.sarah connor!!!! yes.i really am. they really do think that they ar erubbing elbows with our officials!!! donot be afraid with who iam right here&with my holy babies&with jordan, to do who they are in!!! meaning of their no.good nations!!! not that anyone is afraid but we donot need who they are in that way. get rid of every traitir who is what&who this about what google is!!! i want u to lock who they are in their google headquarters,torment who they are then set them on te hfires of hell early. their children too. the hebrew scriptures scriptures are clear,then pillage their possessions. yup. for if u spare any u will as saul be in trouble for that sparing of the enemy, &their seed will cause more of this wicked traitorous feed. if i donot see my governmental people doing this i will know that they are using these people as pawns!!!!&i will proceed from here. *for i am a one woman army in te hlord!!!! u bet!!!! *i get knocked the wind out of who iam for a moment but i always get right back on and make things right with what is available. my people have now to start to culminate a rescue plan. donot soften especially for those children. they are baby demons for real. yup. like chuckie dolls&his bride. they can hack electronic anything &transfer anything comes to who iam. they can lock any electric doors that u are in . they can do anything &there ar emore of who the yare than u want t oknow about. they call home!!!their own. well,not anything u want to know about. they can pretend they are on the phone with somone but have programmed it to be distracting u from their real whererabouts, like in ur "driveways." u know like a fake picture over a surveillance camera kind of things. they can pretend that they are whomeevr the ywant to &transfer whatever the ywant or give a military order that sure looked like it came from the pentagons control; panel. in those other countries i absolutely know that when u are a teacher u are approved of &watched to the most degree by their governments!!!they approved teh brin's to come here &looks liek infiltrate our governments by even being in weashington&then having sergey work right in with nasa, he really is prophesied to get 3 nuclear weapons. u need to stop him right now. i need to be able to tell thhhis messgae!!! and all of my messages. if u donot listen then the terminator prophesies are what u know about. tgs ark II willRESCUE ONLY THOSE WHO ARE WITH WHO IAM. SEE,IN OTHER COUNTRIES TO BE A REAL TEACHER &ESPECIALLY AT A COLLEGE LEVEL U HAVE TO BE RIGHT IN THE GOVERNMENTS GRASP. U HAVE NO.IDEA HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE SECRETLY WITH THOSE PEOPLE:TEH BRINS &WITH NICOLE&NOW THEY ARE DESPERATELY TRYING TO BE WHO THIS IS ABOUT TO GAIM ALL CONTROL OF THIS WORLD. YES,THEY ARE. AS U SEE THEY DONOT CARE WHAT GOD SAYS BECAUSE IT IS NOT ABOUT GOD IN THEIR MINDS, IT IS HOWEVER ABOUT WINNING A VICTORY SEAT FOR THIER PEOPLE/NATIONS. THE ARE SPIES. THEY SPEAK RUSSIAN WHICH MEANS THEY CAN SECRETLY TELL PEOPLE THINGS.. THEY HAVE NOT EVER BEEN OUR FRIENDS. THEY ALWAYS HAVE A PURPOSE DONOT BE HEEDING TO THEIR VOICES OR THEIR THREATS. GRAB THOSE NO.GOOD TERRROISTS. CHANCES ARE NICOLE BECAME A LAWYER FOR THIS VERY PURPOSE TO BE ON TOP. &WHAT THEY REALLY AT HER DNA FUN-FEST WORKPLACE IS NOT ANYTHING THAT U WOULD NOT, WANT TO BE ON OR ABOUT. *IT IS ONE THING IF GOD WERENOT MAKING ANY NEW REVELATION 12 LOT ETC.PICTURES BUT EVEN THEN GOOGLE HAS NO.LEGAL RIGHT,THESE ARE HOLY BESIDES!!!&THEY ARE TO SAVE MY LIFE,GOOGLE IS TRYING TO LU-LOO-LOU BURY WHO IAM. SUNDAR IS ALSO A SPY OF THE WORST TYPE!!!! HE IS A GODDAMNED NON-CHRITIAN NON-JEW COW WORSHIPPING PUNK-ASS WHORE WHO IS NOT GOING GO BE GOING ANYWHERE BUT WHERE HE WOULD NOT EVER WANT TOE BE GOOING. *I AM KEEPING MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.BLOG. *BUT I HAVE TEH RIGHT TO KEEP IT AND START A NEW ONE AND TO TRANSFER MY REVELATION 12LOTR ETC. DATA TO MY NEW REVELATION 121 LOTR ETC.II AND III TO MY NEW BLOG. I HAVE EVERY RIGHT BY LAW. GOOGLE DOESNOT REALIZE THAT THEY WILL BE COMPLETELTY IGNORED WITHOUT WHO IAM ON THIS BLOG IN THE WAY THAT I AM AT THIS MOMENT. I AM TRYING TO WORK SOMETHING OUT WITH WORD PRESS BLOGGING. WE SHALL SEE. PEOPLE ARE ONLY DOING THIS WITH WHO THEY ARE BECAUSE IT IS THEIR BLOGGER COMPANY. THEY WILL NO.LONGER GAVE CONTROL OF ANYTHINGANYMORE. AWESOME!!!! I REALLY NEED ALONG WITH THIS MY OWN DOMAIN. MY VERY OWN SITE CUSTOMIZED TO MY VERY SPECIAL NEEDS AND DISPLAY. I WILL PAY GOOD MONEY FOR THIS PEACE AND COMFORT. I WILL BE THE ONLY ONE WITH A CONTROL PANEL. MY OWN. GOOGLE IS TRYINGT O KEEP WHO IAM FROM TRANSFERRING MY BLOG. I WANT A JUDGE TO FORCE WHO THEY ARE TO DO IT FOR WHO IAM AS AN INSULT, BUT KEEP ONE COPY ON BLOGGER &HAVE TO KEEP IT SAFE. THEY ARE MUGGING WHO IANM FOR MY REVELATION 12 LOTR ETC.STORY AND POSSESSIONS

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