Meghan Markle nude

After leaking Meghan Markle’s topless bachelorette vacation photos, we have now acquired what appear to be Meghan’s nude sex pics from her wedding night and honeymoon with Prince Harry.

Meghan Markle nude

By English law newly wed royal couples are required to document the wedding night consummation of their marriage to ensure that the Prince is not a “poofter” (a common problem in Great Britain).

Meghan Markle nude sex

In the old days this was done with an oil painting and many hours of painstaking posing. Now thanks to digital cameras and the official royal photographer things are much easier.

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Of course being the edgy modern royal couple that they are, Meghan and Harry chose to break with tradition again by having sex photos taken on their honeymoon in Cancun, Mexico as well.

Meghan Markle nude sex

Including the extremely romantic one above of Meghan fulfilling her promise to Harry to let him “put it in the shitter” if he agreed to make her his wife.

It is easy to see why the infidel masses are so captivated with this royal couple, for the love story of a bastard redheaded Prince falling in love with the struggling mulatto actress after seeing her cleaning his chamber pot in a slutty maid’s outfit is as timeless as it gets.